Civil war timeline

  • The American Colonization Socitey forms

    The American Colonization Socitey forms
    It was the freeing of many slaves. They transported the free slaves back to africa.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    this compromise focused on slavery in western colonies.
  • The american antislavery Society forms

    The american antislavery Society forms
    slaves strated a rebellion
  • The liberty party forms

    The liberty party forms
    It broke away from antislavery advocading that th costitution was a anti slavery document.
  • the mexican american war starts

    the mexican american war starts
    border started war with mexico and america
  • Wilmont Proviso

    Wilmont Proviso
    To pass a law to banned slavery in any territory to be acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War or in the future. The house passed it but the senate didn't because there are to many southern representatives.
  • the free soil party forms

    the free soil party forms
    a third political party formed
  • California gold rush

    California gold rush
    Gold was found by James. W Marshall at Sutter's mill in Coloma, California.
  • The compromise

    The compromise
    confrentation of the free states of north and enslaved states of the south
  • Uncle Tom's cabin is published

    Uncle Tom's cabin is published
    a book about a suffering black slave and there life with other characters srounding them.
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act
    new territory open for settlement
  • the summer brooks affair

    the summer brooks affair
    spoke on behalf of slavery and how it was consuming our world.
  • The dred Scott decision

    The dred Scott decision
    Africans were brought over to the U.S. and used as slaves
  • The lincoln-Douglas debates

    The lincoln-Douglas debates
    several debates between linclon and the republican canidate and these topics were mainly on slavery.
  • The election

    The election
    for office of the president of united states.