Civil War Events

  • Missouri Compromise

    So the problem was that one side wanted slaverly and the other side didn't want slavery.
  • The Mexican War

    The Mexican War
    The Mexican War was the first conflict the US had that involved weapons. It has to do with salervy because Texas gained its freedom from Mexico. The War ended in 1848.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott tried to sue for his freedom in 1846. He tried because he was a slave and didn't wanna be.
  • Compromise of 1850

    It was an aggrement that California is a free of slavery. It happened in 1850.
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

    It was an act that punished people for interfering in them being found. It just made harsher punishments for helping.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    This allowed people who just moved there to decide if slavery could be allowed or not.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    A period of time in which there was alot of violence in Kansas
  • John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry, Virginia

    John Brown was the leader of an 18 men group that wanted to lead slaves to the South. This had to do with the civil war because the fight was all about slavery
  • The Union’s ‘Anaconda Plan’

    Abraham Lincon came up with a plan that would end the Civil War before it even begain if it would have worked.
  • Election of 1860

    The Election of 1860 is when people got together in South Caroline. The two sides disagreed because one supported slavery and the other didn't.This has to do with the Civil War because this was one of tthe events leading up to the Bleeding Kansas
  • South Carolina secedes from Union

    South Carolina voted unaimously to secede from the US. The vote was 169 to zero. The citizens was uproared aobut this. They had to be leaders.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter, 1861

    The Confederate Forces took over the Union. They surrendered and the next day was evacuated.
  • Battle of Antietam

    It ened the Confederate Army in Virgina. There were 23,000 soilders that got wounded or died during it. It led to the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation is a thing that Abraham Lincon passed syaing slaves could be free. now a days its for minors so that they can become their own guardian.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg lasted only until July 3. THe Union of Chancellorsville lost the battle. Today the Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most important events that has taken place of the Civil War.