1963 march on washington

Civil Rights Movement Timeline

  • US District court of Kansas rules segregation isn't illegal.

    US District court of Kansas rules segregation isn't illegal.
  • Earl Warren made Chief of Justice

    Earl Warren made Chief of Justice
    Earl Warren is Appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Brown vs. Board of Education overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson making segregation illegal in schools but also applied to other public facilities.
  • Rosa Parks imprisoned

    Rosa Parks imprisoned
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus and was arrested for violating segregation laws. This led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott and eventually bus segregated was outlawed.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Nine African American students known as the Little Rock Nine attempt to go to school. Eisenhower sends federal troops to desegregate the high school.
  • Greensboro sit ins

    Greensboro sit ins
    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee stages segregated lunch counter sit-ins throughout the South.
  • University of Mississippi desegregated

    University of Mississippi desegregated
    University of Mississippi desegregated with James Meredith being the first African American enrolled.
  • March to Birmingham

    March to Birmingham
    March to Birmingham, Violent reaction by police shocked nation. Letters from Birmingham Jail written by MLK.
  • Martin Luther King "I have a dream'

    Martin Luther King "I have a dream'
    King helps organize the March on Washington where he delivered his "I Have a Dream speech."
  • John F, Kennedy is assassinated

    John F, Kennedy is assassinated
    John F Kennedy is assassinated and Lyndon B. Jognson comes into office and expands on JFK's vison.
  • 24th Amendment Ratified

    24th Amendment Ratified
    Prohibits any pole tax in an election.
  • Malcom X assassinated

    Malcom X assassinated
    Malcom X was murdered in New York City during a speech he was giving.
  • Civil Right Act passed

    Civil Right Act passed
    Civil Rights Act passed outlawing discrimination in the workplace and public facilities.
  • Voting Right Act abolished

    Voting Right Act abolished
    Voting Rights Act abolishes literacy tests in national elections, poll tax requirements abolished for state elections.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tenesse while staying the Lorraine motel by Jame Earl Ray.