Civics and Government Project 1

  • Beginning of Financial Crisis

    America's economy takes a turn and the housing market begins to slowdown.
  • Beginning of Financial Crisis

    The Federal Reserve notices that banks in America do not have enough money to function.
  • Economy Crashes

    The economy crashes and leaves over 17,000 Americans unemployed
  • American Rage

    American citizens were furious and blamed the government and its officials for the economic crisis. Their rage eventually led to rebellion and employment strikes
  • Strike of 2009

    Over 40% of employees in America went on strike. This enraged citizens who chose not to partake in this action because the strike did not have any positive effect on the economy that was already struggling.
  • Separation of parties

    Many of the republican and democratic parties in America decided it was time to form a new type of government. Many liberals were against it and this led to hatred between two sides. However, Republicans and Democrats were fed up. They wanted a new government that put the people first.
  • New Government

    The process was not easy, but these parties eventually got their wish. A new government form of government took place, known as Democratic Representative. The people got to vote for government officials and their nation has been thriving ever since.