Christopher columbus

Christopher Columbus by: Jordan

  • Aug 22, 1451

    Christopher Columbus is born

    Christopher Columbus is born
    Chistopher Columbus was born in the Republic of Geona, which is now Italy
  • Mar 23, 1479

    Christopher Columbus gets married

    Christopher Columbus gets married
    Christopher Columbus gets married to Felipa Perestello e Moniz
  • Oct 20, 1485

    Christopher Columbus's wife dies

    Christopher Columbus's wife dies
    Chrstopher Columbus was depressed for days because his wife died
  • Jun 21, 1486

    Asks Queen for money

    Asks Queen for money
    Queen agrees to help Christopher Columbus with money
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Chriristopher Columbus sets sail

    Chriristopher Columbus sets sail
    Columbus left Palos de la Frontera with the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus finds land

    Columbus finds land
    Columbus finds the Bahamas
  • Oct 28, 1492

    Christopher Columbus's crew and he find more new land

    Christopher Columbus's crew and he find more new land
    Christopher Columbus and his crew reach Cuba
  • Sep 24, 1493

    Second voyage

    Second voyage
    Columbus sailed with seventeen ships
  • May 30, 1498

    Third voyage

    Third voyage
    Columbus left Spain with six ships to explore the New World.
  • May 11, 1502

    Fourth voyage

    Fourth voyage
    Columbus left Spain with four ships to explore the New World.
  • Feb 16, 1506

    Christopher and his crew sail for the last time

    Christopher and his crew sail for the last time
    Christopher Columbus and his crew begin their last voyage to the New World
  • May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus died

    Christopher Columbus died
    Christopher died in Spain