Old doctor

Christian Elvis | Health Care History

  • 4000 BCE

    Primitive Era

    Primitive Era
    4000 BC - 3000 BC -During this time, illness was believed to be caused by supernatural beings.
    -Many herbs and plants were used as medicine.
    -Priest were medicine men.
    -Opium was a very prominent drug during this time, which is still used to today as 'morphine'.
    -Believed if people were disobedient, gods would inflict disease and pain upon their bodies.
  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    3000 BC - 2000 BC -Practices were based around magic and religion.
    -Designed structure and procedure and kept accurate health records.
    -Opposed medical research and experimentation.
    -Conservative physicians were praised.
    -First believed physician was Imhotep.
  • 1500 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    1500 BC - 1000 BC -Developed useful medical practices.
    -Documented over 1000 medial herbs.
    -Established acupuncture.
    -Established fire cupping.
    -Acupuncture today is recognized as a valid form of alternative treatment.
  • 400 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    400 BC - 146 BC
    • Began to question the accepted medical beliefs. -In late 400 BC's, Hippocrates began his study of medicine in Greece. -Encouraged cleanliness and proper dieting. -Known as the "Father of Medicine." -Aristotle, another doctor, developed the field of anatomy.
  • 146 BCE

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    146 BC - 542 AD -Roman Empire did not accept Greek medical practices.
    -Mid 100's AD, Claudius Green went to Rome and become famous after curing the Emperor's stomach ache.
    -Taught that our bodies are filled with four fluids.
    -Developed theories of human anatomy through dissecting pigs.
    -Romans installed sanitation systems and also set up public hospitals.
  • 542

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    542 AD - 1500 AD -Developed Bubonic Plague.
    -Ranged from China to Africa to Europe.
    -Transmitted by fleas and rats.
    -Once again, the study of medicine was forbidden.
    -People turned back to religion, magic, and folklore to cure disease.
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    800 AD - 1347 AD -During Middle Ages, several cultures started researching medicine again.
    -In 1000 AD, Arab Empire led the advancement in medicine.
    -During this time, Rhazes was the Arab Hippocrates.
    -First true medical school was developed in Middle Ages.
    -In Middle Ages, doctors only treated the wealthy. As a result, common people were treated by barbers.
    -Black Plague returned in 1300's and killed over one-third of Europe's population.
  • 1500

    Renaissance Era

    Renaissance Era
    1350 AD - 1500 AD -Time of enlightenment.
    -Europeans began to reject religion and develop new theories on science and arts.
    -Andreas Vesalius compared human corpse to Claudius Green's human anatomy study.
    -Another major outbreak was invention of microscope.
    -Invention led to discovery of red blood cells.
  • 1501

    16th & 17th Centuries

    16th & 17th Centuries
    1501 AD - 1700 AD -Human curiosity and experimentation led to Industrial Revolution.
    -Using the microscope, Louis Pasteur discovered microorganisms.
    -Louis Pasteur developed the pasteurization procedure.
    -Joseph Lister developed medical asepsis.
    -Lister concluded microorganisms were the cause of infection.
  • 18th, 19th, 20th, & 21st Century

    18th, 19th, 20th, & 21st Century
    1701 AD - Present -Cause of infections and diseases were no longer a mystery.
    -Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.
    -Throughout this era, many antibiotics and medicines have been revised.
    -Wilhelm von Roentgen developed the x-ray.
    -The new technology produced rapid growth in the medical world.