Chinese history (JENNY)

  • White Lotus Rebellion

    White Lotus Rebellion
    1794 - 1804
    There were a number of sources of discontent in Qing China. Mainly, many people regarded the government as being weak and corrupt.
    Discontent was manifest in a series of internal rebellions in the nineteenth century, beginning with the White Lotus rebellion (1794–1804).
  • Population pressure

    Population pressure
    This would lay the foundation for the doubling of the Chinese population between 1650 and 1800.
  • Opium War1

    Opium War1
    1839 - 1842
    European want tea from China but China dosen't want to trade with European so European use opium to sell for tea.
  • Opium Wars 2

    Opium Wars 2
    1856 - 1860
    China started to stopped opium in country so they has a fight with European.
  • Japan take control of Formosa

    Japan take control of Formosa
    Japan was also trying to extend its power in the area. They took control of the islands off China, including Taiwan.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    As foreign influence grew, so did nationalism. Nationalism was growing all around the world.
    The Chinese people wanted to be free of foreign influence.
    The Chinese rebels attacked the Foreign Nationals in Beijing in 1900.
    This further weakened the Qing and its power in China. They lost the support of the people. The end of the Mandate of Heaven.
  • Fall of The Qing

    Fall of The Qing
    the Qing Dynasty’s “New Policy” or “Late Qing Reform”. The said proclamation resulted to the most extensive reforms in 1905 which includes a national education system. However, Empress Cixi and Emperor Guangxu reached a sudden death in 1908 which left the Qing Dynasty’s central authority powerless and weak.
  • Full of the Qing

    Full of the Qing
    Sun Yixian takes over as President – he hopes to build China through –The people, Nationalism and Democracy
  • The begioning at the Republic.

    The begioning at the Republic.
    The beginning of the Republic under Sun Yixian, the founder of the Republic and founder of KMT.