
Chinese Dynasty Timeline (Sui - Song Dynasty)

By hugotam
  • Jan 1, 604

    Emperor Yang of Sui

    Emperor Yang of Sui
    Second son Emperor Wen, and became the second Emperor of Sui. He did the finishing touches of the Great Canal, also reconstructed the Great Wall. Conquest Central and Southern Vietnam. Allow millions of people to work on road.
  • Jan 1, 605

    The Great Canal

    The Great Canal
    The Great Canal Information
    It was founded in 486B.C. From 605- 610, it was known as the six years of furious construction, where the canal extend with great extend. For this enormous construction, half of six million men died by construction. This canal helped the administration and defense of China, also trigger the fall of Sui Dynasty.
  • Period: Jan 1, 627 to

    Glorious Period

    Tang Dynasty Info
    Under Taizong Li's rule, economy reach new high, stablize the social aspect, corruption was almost non-existance and reaching new boundary borders.
  • Mar 3, 705

    Emperor Zhongzong

    Emperor Zhongzong
    One of the beginning emperor Li Xian, broke out of a coup and reclaimed the Tang Dynasty, but his throne was manipulated by his wife Empress Wei, along with Princess Anle poisioning Li Xian. Li Dan soon killed Empress & the Princess, claiming the throne as Emperor Ruizong.
  • Nov 11, 712

    Abdication of Emperor Ruizong

    Abdication of Emperor Ruizong
    Emperor Ruizong abdicates and Emperor Xuangong comes after, under his rule, Tang come in a new prosperty, making Chang'an the most properous metropolis in the world at time, this reign was known as Kaiyuan, and the period is call the Heyday of Kaiyuan.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Song Dynasty Advancements

    Song Dynasty Advancements
    Song became more productive in agriculture so as in technology by having more inventions. Paper was found so as gunpowder and such. Typography and compass was always invented in help of sea exploration for China.
  • Jan 1, 1127

    Southern Song

    Southern Song
    Song Dynasty Info
    Defeated by the Jin, Northern Song was over, by Zhao Gou, he established the Southern Song which moved the capital to Lin'an.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Fall of Song Dynasty

    Fall of Song Dynasty
    Corrupted generals were killed and led the weakness of the dynasty, so as unrest throughout the empire. Army from yuan dynasty soon come and capture the capital - Lin'an, becoming the fall of Southern Song.
  • Sui Dynasty

    Sui Dynasty
    Basic Information on Sui Dynasty
    Founded by Wen Emperor, Emperor Wu conquer Northern Zhou and soon defeat the Southern Zhou. Sui increased agricultural and trade by the Great Canal.
  • Fall of Sui Dynasty

    Fall of Sui Dynasty
    End of Sui Dynasty.
    Fall due to lost in battles of Northern Korea and Southern Machuria, rebellion led and assassinated the Emperor of Yang.
  • Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    It was founded by the Li family. Reach to a whole new culture and military advance level, being the most properous country at the world at time. Li Yuan at Sui Dynasty rasied an army an overthrew the government. Proclaim himself as Emperor, remaind Chang'an as capital.
  • Throne of Wu Zetian

    Throne of Wu Zetian
    After Li Shimin died, and passed it to Li Zhi (9th Son), married Wu Meiniang and soon due to bad health, Li Zhi passed away, and Wu Meinjian / Wu Zetian took control of her two sons, and took throne, established the dynasty of Zhou for 15 years.
  • Fall of Tang Dynasty

    Fall of Tang Dynasty
    Uneven distribution of military and unhappiness of the peasant, rebellions led and overthrow the Tang, Zhu Quanzhong usurps the authority and put a foot stop to Tang.
  • Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    Zhao Kuangyin, a military general launched rebellion and establish his own dynasty - the Song Dynasty. It was the beginning of Northern Song ( 960-1127 ).