Chinese dynastys

Chinese Dynasty

By 9359601
  • Feb 23, 1100


    Zhou is inportant to the shang Dynasty. They have major thing that htye have achived.
  • Feb 23, 1279

    Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    they have many achivements that they haved iuin china and to the people of china.
  • Feb 23, 1300

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    The person that followed Tang was Sui dynasty.
  • Feb 23, 1400

    Han Dyanasty

    Han Dyanasty
    Liu Bang became the first emperor of the Han dynasty.
  • Feb 23, 1500

    Shang Dynasty

    shang was founded by the people of china. A major achivement is that he found the cattle bone.
  • Sui Dynasty

    Sui Dynasty
    The founder of Sui was the northern ruler and his name was Yang Jian.
  • Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty
    the person that was the founder of qin was shi huangdi.