China Timeline Project - Donovan Haskins

  • 1046

    The Zhou Dynasty

    The location of The Zhou Dynasty is east to the yellow sea. A fact about The Zhou Dynasty is that it was the longest Dynasty in chines history. The emperor of this event was king w.u. the first ruler of china was Qin Shi Huang. He became emperor 259 B.C.
  • The Shang Dynasty

    Some people today argue when the Shang Dynasty began. Some things that is significant about the Shang Dynasty is inventions. Some of those inventions are weapons and technology. Another invention was the ability of writing. Something else is the power of a government.
  • The Xia Dynasty

    This was an event when flood broke out. It was also the very first Dynasty of Ancient china. A fact about the Xia Dynasty is that many historians debate that if the event even existed. Some people wonder what was invented during this time. An answer for that is Oracle bones were used with a calendar.