
  • Carlos Ibanez elected president

  • Political parties of the left banded together (FRAP)

  • Rightist Jorge Alessandri elected.

  • Valdivia earthquake

  • Agrarian reform bill

  • National health service strikes

  • Eduardo Frei elected - a centrist.

  • Tense civilian and militarian relations

  • Salvador Allende elected president

  • Period: to

    Deep divisions in the six leftist parties that made up the UP

    How and when to implement radical changes from capitalism to more state-owned enterprises in mining and other industries.
  • Impact of agrerian reform policies

    Threatened the role of the private sector in agriculture.
  • Allende reserted to populist tactics

    Created neighboorhoos supply and price control committees.
  • The dearth of supplies in the cities was further complicated by a truckers strike

    It was covered financially by the americans.
  • Unified national schooling upset the country and its traditional divided education of private and public schools

  • 54% of Congress was pro UP and 44% opposition

  • Allende's government had gone through 10 cabinet changes in three years

  • A military coup led by general Pinochet took over the country

    Bloody, violent, and coonflicted with the government of Allende, who shot himself.
  • Human rights abuses became public with the discovery of bodies on a rural place

  • Pinochet sought legitimacy to his dictatorship by using plebecites to document support

    He claimed 70% support.
  • The military dictatorship elaborated a new constitution

    This included a slow process for the end of military rule that was approved by the population.