child development

  • child development

    by eight months I turns my head when im not longer hungry, make some noises to displeasure, and spends a great time watching and observing.
  • child development

    12 to 18 months I like tp push, pull, and jump, like to take things apart, and play alone on the floor with my toys.
  • child development

    By 12 months I start walking onto furniture, pay attention to conversatoins, and responds to my name.
  • child development

    18 to 24 months i use to act shy, enjoys familiar songs, and take steps backwards.
  • child development

    two years old i can show aggressive behavior, walk with out help, and enjoy looking at books
  • child development

    Three years old I can put together a 6 piece puzzle, my weight was 34 pounds, and
  • child development

    four years old i can count 1-7 objects out loud, walk a straight line, and very fearful of the dark and monsters.
  • child development

    five years old most of the time i can be bossy, I may be to tie shoelaces, and able to remember stories and repat them.
  • child development

    six to eight years old girls want to play with girls and boys with boys, i can catch small balls, and i may reverse printed letter
  • child developmet

    Nine to eleven years old i begins to see my parents and authority figures as fallibe human begins, girls begin to menstruate, and fantasizes and daydream about the future.