Child development

  • Perceptual: Newborn

    Perceptual: Newborn
    A newborn baby can see 8-12 inches
  • Language: Newborn

    Language: Newborn
    Newborn baby is alert to sounds
  • Period: to

    Physical Development

  • Physical: 2 months

    Physical: 2 months
    At two months a baby is able to raise head to 45 degrees
  • Reflex: 2 Months

    Reflex: 2 Months
    Babinski reflex: toes fan outward when foot is stroked
  • Reflex: 2 months

    Reflex: 2 months
    Reflex- Palmer hand grasp: infant closes hand to grab your finger
  • Reflex: 2 months

    Reflex: 2 months
    Tonic neck response: left arm extends when looking to the left, right arm and leg flex inward (vice versa)
  • Reflex: 2 months

    Reflex: 2 months
    Moro reflex (startle reflex): extends arms then bends and pulls in toward body with a brief cry
  • Perceptual: 2 months

    Perceptual: 2 months
    At around two months a baby develops better eye-muscle control which helps the infant track objects
  • Physical: 2.8 months

    At almost 3 months the baby can roll over
  • Perceptual: 3 months

    Begining at 3 months, a child starts to develop depth perception.
  • Phsyical: 4 months

    Phsyical: 4 months
    at four months a baby can sit with support
  • Perceptual: 4 months

    Perceptual: 4 months
    At four months color vision starts to develop
  • Language: 4 months

    Language: 4 months
    Baby can make vowel sounds such as "oo" and "ah"
  • Phsyical: 5.5 months

    Phsyical: 5.5 months
    At 5.5 months a baby can sit without support
  • Language: 6 months

    Language: 6 months
    At 6 months, a baby can babble, give raspberrys and laughs
  • Phsyical: 7.6 months

    Phsyical: 7.6 months
    At 7.6 months a baby can pull itself to standing position
  • Phsyical: 9.2 months

    Phsyical: 9.2 months
    At 9.2 months, a baby starts to walk holding on to furniture
  • Phsyical: 10 months

    Phsyical: 10 months
    At 10 months a baby can creep around
  • Language: 9 months

    Language: 9 months
    At 9 months a baby starts to say mama and dada
  • Physical: 11.5 months

    Physical: 11.5 months
    At around 11 1/2 months a baby starts to stand alone