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Derechos de Chicanos y Latinos

  • U.S. Occupied Puerto Rico

    U.S. Occupied Puerto Rico
  • Another million Mexicans come to U.S., following Mexico's Revolution

  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    Born: March 31, 1927
    Died: April 23, 1993 Farm worker, Labor leader, Civil rights activist Believed in using nonviolence to reach his goal; like Martin Luther King Jr. Founded the National Farm Worker Association in 1962. He led marches, boycotts, and went on several hunger strikes in his fight for better working conditions and pay for farm workers. It is believed that Cesar Chavez’s many hunger strikes lead to his death in 1993.
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    Mexicans began to come as braceros, or temporary laboreers.
  • Mendez vs. Westminster

    Mendez vs. Westminster
    Sylvia Mednez, along with her brother and counsins went to enroll in 17th Street School in Westminster. The school officials said that those half-Meixcan, light skinned, and had a French surname were allowed. Those who were dark skinned, and a Mexican last name were not allowed. In 1954, The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, wrote to Brown v. Board of Education and declarad school segregation unconstitutional.
  • Creation of the American GI forum

    Creation of the American GI forum
    700 Mexican-American veterans organized the American G.I. Forum. Was an organization for civil rights that was devoted to get equal rights for Hispanic Americans in the U.S. The organization led Mexican Americans into national politics.
  • Cubans to U.S.

    Cubans fled to the U.S. to escape Fidel Castro's Communist rule.
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    900,000 Puerto Ricans

    Almost 900,000 Puerto Ricans were living in the U.S.
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    Major Immigration to U.S.

    Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans and columbians immigranted to U.S. to escape civil war and chronic poverty.
  • National Farm Workers Association

    National Farm Workers Association
    Cezar Chavz and Dolores Huerta created the National farm Asssociation.
  • Alianza Federal de Mercedes

    Alianza Federal de Mercedes
    Preacher Reies Tijerina founded the Alianza Federal de Mercedes (Federal Alliance of Land Grants). Created to help Mexican-Americans reclaim their land that was taken away by the U.S. in the 19th century. Raided the Rio Arriba County Courthouse in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico. To force authorities to recognize the struggles of New Mexican farmers. The group along with Reies Tijerina was later arrested.
  • Chavez Grape Boycott

    Chavez Grape Boycott
    California's grape growers refused to recognize the union so, Chavez launched a nationwide boycott of the California companie's grapes.

    NFWA merged with a Filipino agricultural union to form the UFOC, United Farm Workers Organizing Committee.
  • Brown Berets

    Brown Berets
    Brown Berets organized walkouts in East Los Angeles High Schools.
  • Grape Growers & UFWOC

    Grape Growers & UFWOC
    Huerta negotiated a contract between grape growers and the UFWOC. The workers on many California fruit and vegetable farms, were doing hard intense labor in bad working conditions with receiving little pay and few benefits. The farm worker’s efforts paid off, in 1970 Huerta negotiated a contract between the grape growers and the UFWOC. The union workers were guaranteed higher wages and other benefits.
  • La Raza Unida

    La Raza Unida
    Jose Angel Gutierrez established La Raza Unida. La Raza Unida ~ The People United An independent Latin political movement. Ran Latino candidates in five states and won those races for mayor. Won races for local position like on school boards and city councils.
  • Reagan passes the Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Reagan passes the Immigration Reform and Control Act
    Granted amnesty to illegal immigrants. Granted legal status for to undocumented immigrants. Seeked to create a definite solution to immigration. Three million undocumented applied for legal status but only 2.7 million recieved it Legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982
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    Problems Stil Faced Today

    In 2013, about 70% of Latinos said that it was crucial to them for Congress to pass new immigration laws that year. Hispanics also had a big focus on education.
    In 2010, Hispanics had a high birth rate with 80 births per 1,000 women. And about 33% of thouse children were of school age. The economy has been another big issue in the Hispanic community. In 2010 the unemployment rate was 12.3%, while non-Hispanics was 8.9%.
  • Obama's executive order

    Obama's executive order
    Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA) Immigration policy that allows certain undocumented immigrants to recieve a renewable 2 year work permit and exemption for deportation.
  • Major Accomplisments

    United Farm Workers: Became the largest farm workers union and it's currently active in 10 states. Keeps on trying to improve working conditions for farm workes.