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Charles Darwin 1809-1882

  • Birth of Charles Darwin

    Birth of Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Charles is the second son of Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah Wedgwood. His father was a society doctor and taught Charles a lot about human psychology. Susannah Wedgwood passed away when Charles was only 8 years old. Profile Image: English Heritage/Heritage Images/Getty Images
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  • Voyage of the Beagle

    Voyage of the Beagle
    Darwin accompanies aristocrat Robert Fitzroy on a voyage to Tierra del Fuego located at the southern tip of South America.
    On his journey, Charles packed up samples such as fossils, rocks, plants, and animals from areas such as Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and the Galapagos Islands. This trip being paramount to the discoveries he will make in the future. Image:©
  • Darwin returns to England

    Darwin returns to England
    HIs finding of fossils help geologists understand the process of how the Earth is shaped
    Studying the plants and animals he brought back started his questioning that led to his theory. Image:Encyclopædia Britannica
  • Darwins Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection

    Darwins Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection
    By 1844 Darwin composed his theory of evolution and natural selection. He didn't want to show it to the public since his theory went against religious views on the creation of Earth and human beings. Instead, he shared his theory with friends and other scientists. Image: Chronical/Alamy Stock Photo
  • Publication of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

    Publication of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.
    Darwin's book received immediate attention from all aspects of society. This, Darwin, was already prepared for. Darwin's book threatened the main ideas of Christianity. Darwin's theory challenged both religion and society explaining their place in the process of evolution. He showed there was no need for a creator and put mankind in the animal kingdom. Image: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZ62-95224)
  • Death of Charles Darwin

    Death of Charles Darwin
    Darwin impacted the philosophy of science by creating a new branch, the philosophy of biology. His theory of natural selection ended the philosophical question of chance or necessity. Darwin's theory changed the "central paradigms of scientific theory." As well as questioning the ideas of science vs non-science because his theories cannot be confirmed by experiments. Charles Darwin revolutionized modern science, evolution biology along with the philosophy of science.