Chapters 13-15

  • Shaker

    shaker movement founded in Manchester, England
  • Industrial Revolution

    The industrial revolution begins in Britain
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    The second Great Awakening begins
  • 2 events of 1807

    Robert Fultons first Steamboat
    Embargo spurs american manufacturing
  • Vesey slave conspiracy

    Vesey slave conspiracy in Charleston, south carolina
  • Mexico

    Mexico opens Texas to American settlers
  • Erie Canal

    Erie canal completed
  • Railroad

    First Railroad in US
  • 5 events of 1832

    Bank war - Jackson vetoes bill to recharted bank of the US
    Reform bill in Britain expands electorate
    tARIFF OF 1832
    Black Hawk War
    Jackson defeats Clay for Presidency
  • 7 Events of 1836

    Bnk of US expires
    Specie Circular issued
    Bureau of Indian Affairs established
    Battle of the Alamo
    Battle of San Jacinto
    Texas wins independence from Mexico
    Van Burren elected president
  • 3 Events of 1837

    Seminole Indians defeated and eventually removed from florida
    US recxognizes texas republic but refuses annexation
    Panic of 1837
  • 2 Events of 1840

    Independent Treasury established
    Harrison defeats van buren for president
  • Edgar Allen Poe

    Poe publishes "The Raven"
  • Hawthorne

    Hawthorne publishes "The Scarlet Letter"
  • 2 Events of 1851

    Melvile publishes "Moby Dick"
    Maine passes first law prohibitting liquor
  • Cumberland Road

    Cumberland road completed
  • Whitman

    Whitman publishes "Leaves of Grass"
  • Transatlantic cable

    Permanent transatlantic cable established