Map of us

Chapter 3: Colonies

  • Nov 18, 1534

    Religious Freedoms

    Religious Freedoms
    In 1534, King Henry The 8th, broke away from the Roman Catholic Church to form an Anglican church. Many people dissented because they did not like the beliefs of the Anglicans.
  • The Spanish Settle in America

    The Spanish Settle in America
    The Spanish founded Sante Fe, New Mexico in about 1610. The Spanish then also claimed what is now Arizona and Texas. Then in the 1700's the Spanish created San Antonio in Texas and made other military posts in Texas. Spanish priests began to create missions which were religious settlements to convert people to Christianity.
  • The Pilgrims' Journey

    The Pilgrims' Journey
    Seperatists considered themselves Pilgrims because their journey had a religious purpose. People boarded the Mayflower . Only 35 of the 102 passengers were Pilgrims. The rest were considered strangers. Strangers were common people who had to work as servants or on farms.
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact
    The Pilgrims established laws to state their loyalty to England. The Mayflower Compact helped to form the government in the American colonies.
  • Native American Help

    Native American Help
    The pilgrims encountered Native Americans in America. Their names were Sqaunto and Samoset. They taught the pilgrims useful skills such as planting crops and fishing.
  • Creating Maryland

    Creating Maryland
    Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore was the one who dreamed of Maryland. Sir Calvert wanted to make a place that was safe for other catholics who were in trouble in England. However Calvert died before he recieved a grant and his son Cecilius inherited the colony and named it Maryland. Then he sent his brothers to run the colony.
  • Connecticut

    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were established when Thomas Hooker led his people through the woods where they then found a place called Hartford, Connecticut. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were the first written constitution in America.
  • War Breaks Out

    War Breaks Out
    In 1636, war broke out between the English settlers and Native Americans because the Natives killed two of the Englishmen. War continued in 1637. Troops from Connecticut burned a main Pequot village.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Civil War led by Oliver Cromwell, a Puritan. The Civil War began because of Parliament struggling for power.
  • The End of King Charles 1

    The End of King Charles 1
    King Charles 1 was beheaded on the charges of treason.
  • 2 Clusters

    2 Clusters
    There were 2 different clusters of colonies in America. In the north cluster was Massachusetts, New Hampshire,Connecticut, and Rhode Island. In the south cluster was Maryland and Virginia. The land between these two groups was controlled by the Dutch and their main settlement was New Amsterdam. The English wanted the Dutch land.
  • New King

    New King
    Charles II became King in 1660 and his reign was known as the restoration.
  • Carolina

    In 1663, King Charles II created a colony south of Virginia called Carolina. Carolina was a proprietary colony. The king shared the colony with 8 nobles that helped him regain his throne. A constitution was written by John Locke describing the rights of the people and social rankings. Carolina did not develop as planned. It then split into North Carolina and South Carolina creating two seperate colonies.
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    Farmers from Virginia decided to settle in North Carolina. The crop they grew was tobacco and sold things like timber and tar. North Carolina did not have a good harbor so farmers used the port in Virginia for trade.
  • Exploring the Mississippi

    Exploring the Mississippi
    Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette headed down the Mississippi River and hoped to finnd gold, silver, or other valuable metals. They also were looking for a waterway that lead to the Pacific Ocean. When they realized that it only lead to the Gulf of Mexico, they turned around and went back up the river.
  • Louisiana

    A few years after Joliet and Jacques explored the Mississippi and didn't find anything intesting, Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, did the same thing (Traveled down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico). La Salle claimed this area for France. He then named it Louisiana to honor King Louis XIV.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon, who was a young planter in west Virginia, did not like the coloniel government because it was led by people from East Virginia. In 1796, Nathaniel Bacon led attacks on the Native villages. The army also traveled to a settlement called Jamestown and theee they drove Berkely out of his home. Nathaniel Bacon then suddenly died and was unable to control the lands anymore so England sent troops to restore order.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    South Carolina had very fertile farmland. There was also a harbor called Charles Town which was later changed into Charleston. People in South Carolina traded deerskin, lumber, and beef. In the 1680's, farmers realized that they could also grow rice ,although it took more labor and then the demand for slaves went up.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn was a wealthy English Quaker, The King was in debt to his father and wanted to repay him. Penn then recieved land so the King would not owe his father any more. Since he was a Quaker, he wanted to conduct a "holy expiriment" with Pennsylvania and put the Quaker beliefs to work.
  • Creating Philadelphia

    Creating Philadelphia
    In 1682, Penn went to supervise the building of Philadelphia, which was considered "The City of Brotherly Love". In 1683 Penn was advertising in Europe about Philadelphia and this then brought 3,000 people to this land.
  • New York and New Jersey

    New York and New Jersey
    King Charles II gave the colony to his brother the Duke of York who then renamed the colony New York. New York was a proprietary colony which ment that the owner (the Duke of York) all the land and controlled the government. The Duke of York gave the southern part of New York to Lord John Berkely and Sir George Carteret. Both New York and New Jersey was a place that had religious diversity and different ethnics.
  • Conflict in Europe and America

    Conflict in Europe and America
    Rivalries were beginning in Europe which then began to carry over to America. France and Britan were both expanding their territories and fought several wars because of it. Wars majorly shaped events in America.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was established in 1773 and was the last British colony set up in America. James Oglethorpe made the colony so that people in debt and poor people could start over in a new place. After a while, Oglethorpe was disappointed about how slow the colony was growing so he gave it over to the king in 1751