
Chapter 22.1 The Unification of Germany - Woojung Lee Alexandra Meyer

  • Napleon Raids German Lands

    Napleon Raids German Lands
    Welcomed at first, Napoleon enters Germany. Soon after he turned on Germany, freeing the Serfs and abolished laws against Jews. Now Germans wanted a unified nation.
  • Bismarck Unites Germany

    Bismarck Unites Germany
    Otto van Bismarck was named prime minister of Germany. He used policy of "blood and iron."
  • Prussia Declares War with Denmark and Austria

    Prussia Declares War with Denmark and Austria
    Prussia and Austria freed provinces and divided up the remainders. In 1866 Prussia created excuse to invade Austria. Then annexed several northern Gernan states.
  • France Declares War on Prussia

    France Declares War on Prussia
    Also known as the Franco-Prussian War. Germans remembered the invasions of Napoleon over 60 years ago. Bismarck reminded Germans of this and tried to scare them. Bismarck had a plan to release a telegram that made it seem that William I had insulted France which led to Napoleon III declaring war on Prussia. Napoleon surrendered in a few weeks.
  • German Empire is Born

    German Empire is Born
    German Nationalists called it the second Riech because it was considered an heir to the holy Roman empire. Bismarck created a constitution that made two legislatures. The Bundesrat and Reichstag wre created.