Chapter 18

By kajcade
  • Period: Dec 20, 1540 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The switch in mindset from science being theology and philosophy to science being mathematical and quantifiable.
  • Dec 20, 1543

    On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

    The major work of Nicolas Copernicus. Refuted the theory of a geocentric universe in favor of a heliocentric one.
  • Royal Society of London

    Established by Charles II in 1662; purpose to help the sciences.
  • Period: to


    Eighteenth-century period of scientific and philosophical innovation in which people investigated human nature and sought to explain reality through rationalism, the notion that truth comes only through rational, logical thinking. This period formed the basis of modern science.
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    Frederick the Greats Reign in Prussia

    (Ruled 1740-1786) King of Prussia. Invaded Austria, sparking the War of the Austrian Succession, in which he gained Silesia; invaded Saxony, sparking the Seven Years War, but did not gain any territory; he spent 2/3rds of all Prussian money on the army; proposed the First Partition of Poland, from which he gained a bit of Polish-Lithuanian territory;
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    Maria Theresa

    under her reign, Frederick the Great invaded and conquered Silesia. took steps to end serfdom, and her son, Joseph II finished the job.
  • The Social Contract

    Rousseau, suggestions in reforming the political system and modeled after the Greek polis.
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    Catherine the Great's Reign

    most renowned and longest ruling female ruler of Russia, changed Russia into a European super power by making her nation more productive and Western
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    Joseph II's Reign in Austria

    Maria Theresa's son; ended serfdom; abolished obligatory labor service + ensured that all peasants kept one half their income before paying taxes; radical reform met much opposition, ultimately abandoned; refused Hungarian crown so that he would not have to make concessions to Hungarian autonomy; imposed tariff on Hungarian goods sold in Austria
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    Leopold II

    son of Maria Theresa, brother to Joseph II, cancelled his radical edicts in order to re-establish order