Chapter 1&2 Timeline

  • 300


    Meroe was a huge city at the time. A lot of people began migrating to Meroe because it was better suited for agriculture and trade.
  • 356


    Qin was exposed to attacks, so the people of the Qin Dynasty were forced to be hardy farmers and trained in armies. Qin was a very legalistic government.
  • 500


    Metallurgy was first created in Annean region. There was a lot of metallurgy found in tombs of the elites.
  • 551


    The texts of Confucianism are The Book of Documents, The Book of Songs, The Book of Changes, and the Spring And Fall Annals. Confucianism is based on good behavior and maintaining harmony in society.
  • Oct 10, 1000

    Celtic Europe

    Celtic Europe
    The Celtic language was from Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. The Celts had more than 400 gods and godesses.
  • Oct 10, 1045

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    The Zhou dynasty overthrew the Shang Dynasty in the middle of the 11th centry. The Zhou used the Mandate of Heaven to justify their ruling.
  • Oct 10, 1045

    Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    The Mandate of Heaven is the idea created by the Zhous that heaven will give the Mandate to he who shall be king. If the king cannot maintain ma'at, the Mandate will be transfered to someone else, who shall then rule.
  • Oct 10, 1200


    The first civilizations of the Americas were the Olmec and Chavin. Llamas were the only domesticated beast of burden.
  • Oct 9, 1532

    New Egypt

    New Egypt
    They now referred to the king as the pharroh, but still worshipped him, thinking he was a god sent to earth to maintain ma'at. Thebes was the capital of the New Kingdom of Egypt.
  • Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The Shang Dynasty is considered the beginning of Chinese history. The Shang were overthrown in the middle of the 11th centry by the Zhou Dynasty.
  • Xia

    The Xia dynasty was the first Chinese dynasty, but so little is known about them, the Shang is considered the beginning of the Chinese history. Xia was succeeded by the Shang dynasty.
  • Hammurabi

    Hammurabi was a Amorite ruler of Babylon. He created a code of law that is still used.
  • Babylon

    Babylon became the capital of the "Old Babylonian" state. It was the largest and most important city in Mesopotamia.
  • Daoism

    Daoism encouraged withdrawal from the empty formalities of society. Daoism's worshipped text was the Classic Of The Way Of VIrtue.
  • Warring States

    Warring States
    The second half of the Eastern Zhou period is called the Warring States period. By the end of the 3rd centry, only 7 states remained. Daoism and Confucianism rose from the Warring States Period.
  • Middle Egypt

    Middle Egypt
    People continued to worship the king. People were barried with treasures such as jewels and metals to prepare them for afterlife.
  • Hieroglyphics

    Hieroglyphics was the system of writing that the Egyptians used. The hieroglyphics were symbols of different things.
  • Old Egypt

    Old Egypt
    The kings were thought to be gods sent down to maintain ma'at. They began making pyramids and mummifying people to prepare them for afterlife.
  • Indus River

    Indus River
    The Indus River floods twice a year, providing water for farmers. Many civilizations relied on these floods.
  • Sumerians

    The Sumerians are the people who lived in Mesopotamia at the beginning of history, which is the first record of people from writing. Evidence places them in eastern Mesopotamia around 5000 B.C.E. or possibly earlier.
  • Cuneiform

    Cuneiform was the Sumerians system of writing. The writing was wedge-shaped.
  • Nubia

    Nubia used pyramids to burry people, as well as the Egyptians. Nubia was aslo very rich in gold.
  • Mesopotamia

    Mesopotamia was the first civilization. It was surrounded by water. Domesticated plants and animals came to Mesopotamia around 5000 B.C.E.