Main apachecamp 1

changes on the western frontier

  • the horse and the buffalo

    the horse and the buffalo
    aftrr the spanisch broughet horses to mexico ,the netive americanway of life began to change
  • grest plains resevation

    grest plains resevation
    the ferderal government hed passed an act that desingned yhe entire great plains as one enormuos reservation ,or land set aside for native amerikan tribs .
  • chovges to perewation

    chovges to perewation
    the goverment changed its policy and cleated treaties that defind specific boundary for each tribe
  • soud creek massacke

    soud creek massacke
    chivington and his troops descended on the cheyenne and arpahaho-about 200 warriors and 500 women en childeren -the ttack st dwn on november 29 ,1864 killed over 150 inhabitns , mostly women and childeren
  • fetterman massare

    fetterman massare
    the warior crazy horse ambushed captai William J, fetterman and his companyovr 80 soldiers were killd. native americes called tis fight thebettel of the hunderd slain
  • larmie traety of ford laramie

    larmie traety of ford laramie
    the siox arreed to live on reservation along the missuori river ,was forced on the leaders of the sioux, Sitting bull leader of the Hunkpapa sioux ,hed never sined it . Although the Ogala end the brule sioux did sign the treaty .
  • red cloud chief of the oglala sioux,states his people scase in washington D.C.

    red cloud chief of the oglala sioux,states his people scase in washington D.C.
  • red river war

    red river war
    in late 1868 ,war broke out yet agein as the kiowa and Comanche engegeed in six years of raiding that finally led to the red river war of 1874-1875, the us army responded by herding the paople of friendly tribe onto resrvervations whileole opening fire on all others. General Philip Sheridan .gave orters to destroy ther village
  • little bigiton

    little bigiton
    The Sioux end Cheyenne held a sun dece ,
  • dawes act

    dawes act
    the Dawes Act aimnf to the Americanize the Native Americans The act Broke up the reservations and gave some of rhe reservation land to individual Native Americans - 160 acres to each
  • oklahoma opened for settlement : the land rush begins

    oklahoma opened for settlement : the land rush begins
  • sioux massared at knee

    sioux massared at knee
    the seventh cavelry- cuvalry cold regiment-rouned up aboud 350 starving and freezing sioux and took them to a cemp at wounded knee creek in soud dakota . the next day, the soldierss demanded that the native americens give up alle their weapons .A shot was fired;from which side? it was not clear The soldiers opend fire with dedly cennons