Water lilies

Changes in the process for identification / SWPBS Alyssa Preddie-Allen

  • PL 94-142

    Students withEmotional handicapped included in list of eligibilities
  • IDEA

    IDEA outlines peramitors for determining whether or not the school environment leads to student behaviors. Additionally, all options for student support in the general ed. setting have been exhausted.
  • Period: to

    Revised ED now EBD

    Revised ED =EBD eligibility description changes
  • Initial referral

    Referral completed, parent notification completed
  • Parent permission signed

    evaluation process time line begins
  • Data review

    Review previous placements, evaluations, student history, behavior reports, FBA data, BIP data
  • Time line for testing

    Assessments to be completed are determined
  • Staffing School team

    School staff gather to review test results, establish recommendations, determine additional assessments, set IEP conference date and time
  • Complete Eligibility Checklist

    Review checklist at IEP meeting
  • Determine LRE ,services, supports

    Determine least restrictive environment, services, modifications, accomedations, and student supports
  • Student placement in LRE

  • Progress Monitoring

    Data collection on student performance, placement, and progress report (6-9 week intrvals) reconvene conference if data shows placement needs to be adjusted.