
Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    A interest comerce conflict, China have the Opium resource but the European countries not, so that´s a danger for them, they send the Britanic float that weak China, an make them sign an unequal treaty. In the image we can see the fight between British and chinese.
  • First Strengthering movement

    First Strengthering movement
    Stop the foreign influence, the want to modernize and militarize china
  • Period: to

    Boxer rebellion

    Killed any foreigner and this provoke an international conflict
  • The overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty

    The overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty
    The emperor death, the sucession of Pu Yi and the control of Jiang Jieshi, this increased the socio-economic problems
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    The deafeat of the Qing dynasty, a republic was create.Dr Sun Yixian invited as the first president but he accord a deal with Yuan Shikai to became the new president.
    GMD was founded wit 3 priciples:Democracy, nationalism, people livehood.
  • 21 demands

    21 demands
    Yuan Shikai accept the 21 demand of Japan because he can not defeat the modern military of J, and people of china was against , so star the creation of an independent government with the beggining of the WARLORD ERA
  • The may Fourth Movement

    The may Fourth Movement
    A protest againts the peace treaty of TOV , because the territory of Shandong, with this movement a new cultural china born , the objective was achieve and also with this was the creation of a new political party.
  • CCP Born

    CCP Born
    Consequence of the may fourth movemnet by Mao Zeodong , it was a itllectual and student movement and it was supported by peaseants
  • GMD attack the CCP

    GMD attack the CCP
    Once warlords were defeated by the first front Jian was more sympathic to landlords and the middle class the ideology was divided and GMD expelled all communist from the party
  • Period: to

    Massacre of Shangai

    CCP go and hide in Jianxi , Mao preached his ideas, and try to convince his ideologies , and created he MOISM , was an idutrial revolution