1  hs grad diploma

My Career Path

  • Graduated from High School

    Graduated from High School
    This timeline identifies the key events that influenced my decision to become an Instructional Systems Designer. Like many young adults, i did not have any career plans after graduation.
  • Earned a Bachelor's degree in Business

    Earned a Bachelor's degree in Business
    Did not have any job opportunities after graduation.
  • Joined the U.S. Army

    Joined the U.S. Army
    Served as an Infantry Platoon Leader.
  • Worked as the Battalion Training Officer

    Worked as the Battalion Training Officer
    Responsible for planning, coordinating, and evaluating training exercises. Learned the Eight Step training process (similar to ADDIE).
  • Pre-Deployment Training and Deployments

    Pre-Deployment Training and Deployments
    Participated in training events that evaluated multiple tasks at one time.
  • Worked as the Company Commander

    Worked as the Company Commander
    Responsible for planning, coordinating, conducting, and evaluating small unit training activities.
  • Earned a Master's Degree in Training Development

    Earned a Master's Degree in Training Development
    Studied the ADDIE model and noticed similarities with previous training experiences in the military.
  • Worked as an Subject Matter Expert

    Worked as an Subject Matter Expert
    Applied the ADDIE design model to develop eLearning courses.
  • Worked as an Instructional Designer

    Worked as an Instructional Designer
    Applied my knowledge of learning theories and learning strategies while developing eLearning courses.
  • Enrolled in a Master's Degree Program

    Enrolled in a Master's Degree Program
    Currently pursuing a degree in Instructional Design and Technology while working as an Instructional Systems Designer.
  • Completed Master's Degree

    Completed Master's Degree
    Earned a MA in Instructional Design and Technology. (Select the image area above to view the video).