
Captain Nobody taon price

  • exposition setting

    in New York City
  • exposition characters

    newton-main character
  • rising action2

  • falling actio4

    newton faces his biggest fear.HIGHTS!he climbs the tallest building to save someone.
  • falling action5

    he falls and someone lands on thing he knows hes uncontious.
  • falling action 6

    his parents are there and are worried for him. he is rushed to the hospital.
  • resolution1

    he is gonna be okay.
  • resolution2

    his brother finally wakes up because of him saying,HIT THE SHOWERS!
  • falling action 1

    falling action 1
    Chris gets hit during the dog pile.
  • resolution 3

    the parade is back on but not for the game for chris and newton being back again.
  • exposition background

    exposition background
    everyone is always busy
  • rising action1

    rising action1
    chris has a big football game and wins!
  • rising action2

    rising action2
    chris is in a coma
  • rising4

    he weres his costume to school.
  • rising action3

    rising action3
    Captain nobody stops a robbery in a jewlery store.
  • risingaction5

    everyone starts noticeing him as captain nobody.
  • risingaction6

    gets a drumset from a dumster and saves someone at the same time.
  • risingaction7

    He stopped the cars on the highway and saved people on a plane crash.
  • fallingaction3

    people are blaming newton because they they think that someone is going to commit siuicide
  • Falling action

    Falling action
    Newton saves someone from a tall building.