• Formation of AFPFL

  • British intended for Burma to move to self-governance

    unrealistic -> no timetable for indep, did not consider political and psychological impact of Jap Op
  • levies did not turn over weapons

    mid 1945, many soldiers rejected for re-enlistment by British inspector thus obvious recruits for anti-govt military
  • AFPFL delegation to London

    negotiated elections of a constituent assembly to prepare constitution for independent Myanmar
  • AFPFL won elections handsomely

  • Aung San and 6 of his cabinet assassinated

    even more difficult to create consensus on structure of the independent state
  • 1947 constitution

    quasi-federal union with centralised govt that acknowledged country's plural character, 5 ethnic states for Shan, Karen, Kachin, Karenni and Chin, right to secede after 10 years + ethnic rep in cabinet. co- opted Shan traditional elite (Sawbwas) relatively successfully, gave autonomy and central govt positions
  • British promised to remain in Burma for several years for MILITARY ALLIANCE

    to assure security but no paper agreement!
  • CPB-led strikes by ABTUC

    guerilla actions in cuntryside by Red Flag communists, U Nu ordered arrests but communist leadership went into hiding, joined by govt army massive deserters and Aung San's former private army (not integrated into govt security forces yet), PVO district leaders refused to disband or hand in weapons
  • Indian PM gave U Nu weapons to secure capital city

  • Period: to

    Burmese communist party and Karen nationalist movement launched insurrections

    CAUSE: many minorities viewed Myanmar as a Burmese state, feared absorption and consequent disappearance of separate and distinct cultural identities, Karens (KNU and KNLA): world's longest running ethnic insurgency, fought due to boundaries and expanse of ethnic area, took armed direction because at odds since colonial times
  • Aung San replaced by U Nu, independence on 4 Jan 1948

    power over states concentrated in central government
  • Karens controled many parts of lowland Burma

    BEATEN BACK by revitalised Tatmadaw under Ne Win
  • 13000 Sitwundan troops, 10% defected

    Sitwundan as special police reserves and rag tag soldiers
  • forced Sawbwas to give up judicial autonomy

  • autonomy of Shan state taken away

  • U Nu surrendered PM post to General Ne Win, formed caretaker government

    restored stability and national peace, built state capacity, lowered corruption, increased bureaucratic efficiency, deal with pocket armies
  • Sawbwas open secessionist revolt

    formed armed groups to demand SHan autonomous state
  • U Nu granted Mons and Chins autonomy

    1960s, to placate them
  • U Nu's electoral victory

    THUS under pressure from Shan, Mon and Arakan leaders for more ethnic states and autonomy, secession card played by Shans to force govt hand
  • U Nu won by landslide in 1960 elections

    use of Buddhism as major issue in campaign, promised to make it official religion and way of life BUT civilian govt could not solve and improve situation
  • U Nu seminar on federal primciple

    ALARMED military leadership + contribute to fears of national disintegration THUS JUSTIFY COUP
  • 1962 military coup

    Ne Win claimed that democracy was incompatible with Myanmar, due to political infighting, policy gridlock, multiple insurgencies, declining economy. suspended constitution and appointed Rev Council to govern by decree. 1 party state under BSPP until 1988
  • Shan State Army formed

  • schools brought under close control of Ministry Of Education

  • widespread rice shortage, cooking oil and other basic necessities

    black market and corruption
  • brief prosperity

    1970s, due to use of imported fertilisers, credit facilities, high yield strains of rice, foreign aid, cost of living increased
  • BSPP converted to mass party

  • plans to draft new constitution

    hold elections, transfer power to newly elected civilian govt
  • elections

    new constituion, dissolved RC, direct military rule ended
  • riots

    over food shortage, corruption, declining economy
  • student demonstrations

    against declining standard and conditions of Rangoon Uni
  • illegalised 25, 35, 95 kyat

    replaced with 45, 90 kyat to save economy and combat black market, did not solve problem, provoked students and masses to demonstrations
  • Ne Win resigned

    Sein Lwin appointed but not accepted due to role in brutal suppressions of 1962
  • 8888 uprising

    general strike, Sein Lwin resign, replaced by Muang Muang, ended martial law, released political prisoners, allowed formation of political parties and ABSU, demonstrations broadened, military killed protestors, reconsolidated power and declared elections to be held in 1990
  • NLD established

  • Saw Muang seized power, formed SLORC

    SLORC brought back direct military rule until 2011
  • Union of Burma -> Union of Myanmar

  • NLD vigorous campaigning

    Aung San Suu Kyi (ASSK) assisted by prominent figures such as Aung Gyi and Tin U, powerful orator and magnetic public figure who drew ppl in based on father's aura
  • ASSK under house arrest

  • NLD won 3/4 of election seats

    SLORC denied victory, accused ASSK of being a traitor
  • Period: to

    arrests of NLD senior leaders, civilians, democrats

  • SLORC renamed to SPDC

  • Myanmar joined ASEAN

  • 17 armed groups signed military ceasefire