British History in India

  • British East India Company

    1700's Great Britain was a trading presence along the coast of India
  • Mughal Emperors

    Emperors had provided a secure framework for trade GB started to intervene in politics by the 1750's
  • British East India Trade Company

    Began to wage war along the coast
    * Excersised political power in state of Bengal, up the Ganges to Delhi and by the 1800's through most of the peninsula.
    *Military dominance over all of India by 1800
  • Battle of Plassey

    Battle of Plassey
    Robert Clive led British troops
  • British control Calcutta

    Ending point of Battle of Plassey East India Company was supported by huge armies of British regulars and Indian Sepoys
  • Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

    India was viewed as a market
    Discouraged industry in India
    Forced to buy British goods
    Indians had to raise cash crops to pay for British Goods
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    Political Cause - Expansion of East India Company
    Social Cause - British law forbade SATI & Christian Missionairies trying to convert Hindu popiulation
    Economic Cause - Indian Soldiers were treated unfairly
    Religious Causes - Conversion - Christian converts could inherit ancestral lands
    Military Cause - Sepoys came from high caste, but were treated poorly
    IMMEDIATE CAUSE - Greased Cartridges (Hindus & Muslims felt this was a deliberate attempt to defile Hindus and Muslims
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Empress of India
  • Effects of British Rule

    Built Roads and Ports
    Built Railroads and Telegraph
  • Social Changes in India

    Improved Health Care & Sanitation (population growth)
    Britsih set up schools and colleges (english language)
    British educated Indian Middle class developed

    Strongest among British Educated Elite
    1. Modernize India & reform British system
    2. Favored return to Hindi Traditions Congress called for gradual changes
    Urged GB to open up government jobs to Indians
  • Muslim League

    Muslim League
    Ali Jinnah separate Hindu & Muslim india
  • Mohandas K. Gandhi

    Mohandas K. Gandhi
    Gandhi wanted INC to strive for Home Rule India should be governed by Indians
  • Amritsar massacre

    Amritsar massacre
    General Reginald Dyer
    Britian had banned public gatherings
    GB opened fire on 10,000 indians at Amritsar 379 dead, 1100 wounded
  • Gandhi's Principles

    Gandhi's Principles
    Non violence / respect for all life
    Civil Disobedience (Henry David Thoreau)
    SATYAGRAHA - "convert the wrongdoer"
  • Civil Disobedience

    Civil Disobedience
    Gandhi urged non violent resistance
    support strikes and protests
    boycotting British goods
  • The Salt March

    Symbolic protest on the tax of salt
    Gandhi marched 240 miles to sea to illegaly make salt
  • WW II Begins

    India had no desire to fight in WWII on Great Britain's behalf INC refused to support the war 20,000 INC arrested
  • WWII is Over

    GB realized they can't afford or control India
  • Hindu vs Muslim Conflict

    Hindu vs Muslim Conflict
    Ali Jinnah wants a separate Muslim state
  • Rioting

    Widespread rioting broke out between Hindu's and Muslims
  • Indian Independence Act

    This act ended British Rule Hindu India
    Muslim Pakistan
  • Jawaharal Nehru

    Jawaharal Nehru
    1st Indian Prime Minister
  • Ali Jinnah

    Ali Jinnah
    Governor General of Pakistan
  • results of Partition

    500,000 died in rioting and violence 15 million involved in mass migration
  • Gandhi Assassinated

    Gandhi Assassinated
    Assassinated by Hindu for being too soft on Muslims