The Age of Democracy and Progress

  • Reform Bill of 1832

    The France Parliment feared the revolutionary violence would spread to Britian. They made a law to that eased property requirements so that men in the middle class could vote.
  • Chartist Movement

    Workers and other groups pressed for more laws for the right to vote
  • Sufferage of Working Class Men

    Granted voting rights to working men
  • Sufferage for Male rural workers

    Granted voting rights to rural males
  • Sufferage of all Women

    Granting voting rights to ALL women
  • The Dreyfus Affair

    One of the jewish officers in the French army was accused of selling military secrets to Germany. He was framed.
  • Rise of Zionism

    The Dreyfus case caused strength to arise and movement of Jews traveled to America.
  • Sufferage for Women of the age of 30

    Granted voting rights to women over 30