Bower's Technology Timeline

  • Junior High- ED classroom

    Junior High- ED classroom
    The beginning of my professional career began in 2012 at a junior high self-contained setting. My students had just been given 1:1 laptops for the first time as well as the teachers. We had a Smart Board in which I used to play videos and display content on the board. I had my students use their computers for typing in Microsoft Word and to use for their break time.
  • Junior High- Autism Classroom

    Junior High- Autism Classroom
    My next venture with technology took place in a different self-contained classroom in Texas for students with Autism. Modern technology in this classroom consisted of having a projector, 3 iPads, 3 classroom computers, and I was provided a laptop. These technologies were used primarily to display content, student acdemic practice, and breaks. I had another type of technology in my room which was a communication board for a student that uses PECS (Picture communication).
  • Junior High- Autism Classroom (Year 2)

    Junior High- Autism Classroom (Year 2)
    PECS communication technology for one student advanced to using an iPad with Proloquo2go on it. I had a student using a button as a communication device as well which had pre-recorded phrases from me. I used my cell phone to teach a student how to call and text others for authentic communication. I began creating and assigning student lessons on computers that had touch screen for those with lower fine and gross motor skills. We used a very simple digital alarm clock to focus on telling time.
  • Elementary- ED Classroom

    Elementary- ED Classroom
    I continued to work in a self-contained classroom at a new school and new district. I had 3 iPad's, a Smart Board, and 3 desktop computers. I used modern technology to display and interact with lessons on the Smart Board. I began having students type using Word, and create presentations through PowerPoint. We played interactive games on Brain Pop, while at the Smartboard.
  • Elementary- ED Classroom (Year 2)

    Elementary- ED Classroom (Year 2)
    Continuing to use Microsoft Suite Products, as well as Prezi for presentations. I was introduced to Kahoot and Quizlet for assessments. I began having students use Co-writer as a form of assisted typing. iPads began to be used to scan QR codes around the school and room. New and resourceful apps were big this year in finding apps that created communication among all,
  • Elementary ED (Year 3 and 4)

    Elementary ED (Year 3 and 4)
    Now that I have been doing grad school I have begun to further my repertoire of technology use. I had a hard time understanding how some of these technologies could be used in the classroom, but through discussion and projects, it became clear. I used Gamestar Mechanic in a social skills class (which I never would have expected until I did it). I began to further my use of Nearpod, look into virtual field trips, and began downloading virtual/augmented reality apps on my classroom iPads.
  • Elementary ED (Finishing Grad School)

    Elementary ED (Finishing Grad School)
    I have continued to use resources that I have used going into this semester but have begun to use them in different ways. Flipgrid I have used as a refection tool, in conjunction with the low tech option of creating a game from scratch. I have also used Animoto for a project to help encourage writing and revision. We are currently working on creating a a rap video that will be posted to Youtube and include some sort of special effects that the students will help with.
  • Future ME

    Future ME
    I plan to release more of my control to make my students learning more student driven. I plan to have students learn about topics through research and to have them present it to the class in a meaningful way and going beyond a basic PowerPoint presentation. Learning through exploration and creating is the direction I am heading, and hope to better engage the students through the use of different technologies.