Bob Dylan

  • Bob was born.

    Bob was born.
    He was born in Duluth, Minnesota and his full birth name is Robert Allen Zimmerman.
  • He moved to Hibbing, Minnesota.

    He moved to Hibbing, Minnesota.
    He moved because of his dad having polio. He spent his time listening to the radio all day.
  • He attended Hibbing High school.

    He attended Hibbing High school.
    In high school, Dylan formed a band called the Golden Chords. He played the Harmonica and the guitar.
  • He attended college.

    He attended college.
    He enrolled at the arts college of the University of Minnesota. During his time there, he performed solos at coffeehouses.
  • He moved to New York.

    He moved to New York.
    He moved to New York because he wanted to see his idol Woody Guthrie. In April of 1961 he performed at New York's Gerde Folk City.
  • His first album was released.

    His first album was released.
    The album name was 'Bob Dylan' and he was signed to Columbia records by John Hammond. He also legally changed his name to Bob Dylan. This is where he began to sing songs about social issues in the 60s such as for the civil rights and anti war movements.
  • He released 'The Freewheelin Bob Dylan'.

    He released 'The Freewheelin Bob Dylan'.
    This was the second album he released. A song in this album called 'Blowin' in the Wind' has been named as an anthem for the civil rights movement. An important quote from that song is "How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry? Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows that too many people have died?"
  • He released 'Bringing it All Back Home'.

    He released 'Bringing it All Back Home'.
    This album was a turning point in his career because he used electric insrtuments for the first time. This made a lot of people think that he betrayed folk music. In his single 'It's Alright Ma' there is an important quote about social issues in the 60's, and he said "...Bent out of shape from society's pliers, cares not to come any higher, but rather get you down in the hole he's in."
  • He released 2 important albums.

    He released 2 important albums.
    These two albums were 'Highway 61 Revisited' and 'Blonde on Blonde'. These two albums revolutionized rock itself because of the intensity of the literature and meaning in folk music. His single 'Like a Rolling Stone' hit number two on the U.S. charts.
  • He released 'Self Portrait'.

    He released 'Self Portrait'.
    In this album, Dylan did cover versions of famous folk songs. Although the album received an extreme amount of negative reviews, Dylan said he made the album as a joke and so he could get people to stop thinking that he was the 'Spokesman of the generation'.
  • He got his first Grammy.

    He got his first Grammy.
    His studio album 'Slow Train Coming' granted him this award. The award he won was Bes Rock Vocal Performance, male.
  • He was appointed to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    He was appointed to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
    Later this year his album 'Oh Mercy' was named best album of the 80's. In 1990 Dylan was named a Commandeur dans l'Ordre des Art et des Lettres, France's highest cultural honor.
  • He won an award from the President.

    He won an award from the President.
    He was awwarded the Presidental Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama. He also won the Pulitzer prize in his year.