Block 4 Elie Wiesel Timeline

  • The Beginning of all Evil

    President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany
  • The first concentration camp

    The S.S. open the dachau concentration camp outside of Munich.
  • Hatred towards Jews

    Nazis stage boycotts against Jewish owned businesses.
  • Segregation towards Jews

    Nazis prohibet Jews from owning land.
  • Segregation of Jews

    Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews decreed.
  • Hatred on Jews

    Nazis destroy the Nuremberg Synangogue.
  • Prisoner of War

    Vladek was taken as a prisoner of war by the Nazis.
  • The war begins

    Germany invades Poland, starting WWII.
  • P.O.W.

    Vladek was transferred to the P.O.W. camp.
  • The first Ghetto

    Germans establish the first ghetto in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland.
  • Escape!

    Vladek escaped the prison camp.
  • Mobile Killing Units

    Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) shoot nearly 3,000 Jews.
  • Hang

    Three men were hung for being involved in the black market.
  • Ghetto

    The first ghetto was established in Sosnowiec.
  • Convalescent Homes.

    All the elderly were sent to convalescent homes.
  • Inhumane acts on Jews

    Himler grants permission for sterilization experiments at Auschwitz.
  • Selection

    The first selection was held.
  • Sosnowiec to Srodula

    The Jews of Sosnewiec were transferred to Srodula.
  • Labor Camps

    Elie Wiesel and his family were packed into train cars and sent to concentration camps.
  • Protection

    Srodula "protects" the Jewish children.
  • Elie Wiesel's father died

    Elies father died shortly before the concentration camps were eliminated.
  • Elie Wiesel Free!

    Elie was freed from the brutal camps after 3 years!
  • Family members

    Elies mother, father, and three sisters were segregated into the concentration camps but only two of his sisters made it out.
  • Elie's remaining family

    Only two of Elies sisters made it out of the Holocaust alive.
  • Period: to

    Elie studies at Sorbonne

  • Night became a best selling book

    Elie Wiesels autobiography was a New York Times best selling novel!
  • Period: to

    Night became a trilogy

  • Anja

    Anja, Vladeks loving wife, commits suicide.
  • Professor at Boston University

    Elie became an Andrew W. Mellon professor in the Humanities department at Boston University.
  • Commission on the Holocaust

    President Jimmy Carter appionted Elie Wiesel as chairman of the President's Commission on the Holocaust.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Elie won a Nobel Peace Prize and is the worlds spokesman on the Holocaust.
  • Elie Wiesel gets attacked by a Holocaust denier

    A 22-year-old Holocaust denier tried to pull Elie into a San Fransisco hotel and attack him.