Blended Learning

  • Technology Audit

    Identify all current Technology and its location. To include devices being maintained and out of commision.
  • Teacher Technology Device Survey

    Get teacher feedback on current devices they are using and have access to, and if they are/are not meeting the classroom demands.
  • Staff PD

    To review tech audit, teacher input and create blended learning expectation (school wide). Also identify any other concerns, suggestions, or critiques to enhance the blended learning atmosphere at HSHMC.
  • Leading edge survey

    Survey all staff to see who has completed the Leading Edge Certification and who is wanting to participate in the upcoming certification program.
  • Leading Edge Certification

    Identify at least 25% of staff as LEC certified. Enroll at least 4-6 new staff members in LEC certification training.
  • Develop Budget

    To include LEC traing costs and new technology needs.
  • Begin to develop 16-17 courses

    Create online content for the 16-17 school year.
  • Purchase and reallocate devices

    Purchase devices and create a reallocation plan for 2016/17 school year meeting the needs and demands of teachers (from survey)
  • Publish at leat one Unit of online content

    Each teacher will publish at least one unit of online content.
  • Peer review unit

    Each teacher will peer review another teachers online content to give constructive feedback and allow for improvement and cohession of online content.
  • Edit and Revise Online content

    Use peer feedback to enhance online content.