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Toddler Timeline

By axxpx
  • Baby Is Born!

    Baby Is Born!
  • 13-15 months (physical)

    13-15 months (physical)
    Large Motor Skills:
    -Cruises along furniture
    -Walk a few steps alone
    -May climb stairs on hands and knees
    -Crawls foward and
    Small Motor Skills:
    -Improved grasping skills
    -May try to turn doorknobs
    -Can open small boxes
    -Builds small towers of blocks
  • 13-15 months (cognitive)

    13-15 months (cognitive)
    -Likes to look at pictures and books
    -Loves to mimic actions
    -Has very short memory
    -Experiment new things
    -Slowly increases vocabulary
    -Babbles with expressions
    -Repeat sounds
    -Follows comands such as.. give, come,stop and show me
  • 16-18 months (physical)

    16-18 months (physical)
    Large Motor Skills:
    -Walk sideways
    -Stands on either foot with support
    -Improves throwing
    -Jumps with both feet
    Small Motor Skills:
    -Likes to grab everything
    -May turn knobs of radio and TV
    -Works jigsaw puzzles with 1-2 pieces
    -Begin to scribble
  • 16-18 months (cognitive)

    16-18 months (cognitive)
    -Identifies simple pictures in books such as, ball, doggie,etc
    -Has short attention span
    -Remembers where objects belong
    -Scribbles more freely
    -Vocabulary increases to 6-10 words
    -May use two word phrases
    -Obeys command "give it to me"
  • 19-21 months (physical)

    19-21 months (physical)
    Large Motor Skills:
    -Walks sideways and backwards
    -Squats easily in play
    -Loves to run,jump,and climb
    -Jumps foward and in place
    Small Motor Skills:
    -Can hold two objects in hand
    -Holds container in one hand
    -Uses one hand more than the other
  • 19-21 months(cognitive)

    19-21 months(cognitive)
    -Likes to make marks on paper with big crayons
    -Looks at books for longer periods of time, studying picyures
    -Completes simple jigsaw puzzle of two to three pieces
    -Can distinguish different sounds and smells
    -Responds to directions
    -Enjoys hearing nursery rhymes
    -Can combine two different words
    -Has a vocabulary of about 20 words
  • 22-24 months (physical)

    22-24 months (physical)
    Large Motor Skills:
    -Walks with more assurance
    -Walks sideways and backwards with ease
    -Throws ball overhead instead of tossing
    -Alternates between standing or sitting
    Small Motor Skills:
    -Holds crayon with thumb and fingers
    -Likes to play with modeling clay
    -Can stack blocks to make a train or build a tower
  • 22-24 months(cognitive)

    22-24 months(cognitive)
    -Is curious about objects in environment
    -They like to feel,squeeze,pull,and push objects
    -Distinguish between vertical and horizontal lines
    -Has vocabulary of 50 or more words
    -Understands more words than is able to use
    -Asks for food when hungry
    -Listens to enjoys simple stories.
  • 24-30 months (physical)

    24-30 months (physical)
    Large Motor Skills:
    -Enjoys running
    -Climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
    -Plays on swings,ladders,and other playground equipment
    -Baby fat begins to disappear
    Small Motor Skills:
    -Opens door by turning knobs
    -Can remove wrapping from gum and candy
    -Can turn pages in books
    -Tears paper and manipulate clay
  • 24-30 months(cognitive)

    24-30 months(cognitive)
    -Becomes interested in childrens TV shows.
    -Can interpret pictures drawn or painted
    -Likes to listen to songs and stories
    -Enjoys playing house
    -Vocabulary increases to 500 or more words
    -Uses two-word sentences
    -Enjoys learning names for new objects
    -Uses words to make requests
  • 30-36 months(physical)

    30-36 months(physical)
    Large Motor Skills:
    -Enjoys games involving running
    -Likes to sit in adult chairs
    -Walks on tiptoe
    -Climbs quickly on jungle gym to reach the top
    Small Motor Skills:
    -Turns doorknobs with greater strength
    -Scribbles and draws circles as well as horizontal and vertical lines
    -Likes to paint using full arm motions
    -Builds towers of 6 or more blocks
    -Takes objects apart and puts them back together
    -Eats with fork
  • 30-36 months(cognitive)

    30-36 months(cognitive)
    -Knows how to classify objects into general categories
    -Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
    -Can stack rings in the correct order
    -Recognizes self in photograph
    -Vocabulary increases to 900 or 1,000 words
    -Creates 2-3 word sentences
    -Asks names of objects and repeats them
    -Connects names and uses of objects