Benzo and Kat's timeline!!!

By elainab
  • coahulia y texas

    coahulia y texas
    it was one of the constituent states part of the newly established United Mexican States under its 1824 Constitution.
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    the treaty states that france and spain had to give great britian land. france gave up canada. spain gave up florida.spain had gained new orleans and all the french territory to the west. spain decided to go its nothern bordland to find more land.
  • marques de rubi report

    marques de rubi report
    he becane looking around and he got concerned, so he went to Texas and spent 2 years staying there. After he finished his tour he recomended that spain should leave texas.
  • American Reveloution

    American Reveloution
    the american colony and the british government were about to go to the breaking point.because of the britiash taxes, the americans wanted freedom, this happend after the boston tea party which was caused by the high taxes of tea.
  • United states gain independance

    United states gain independance
    When the British goverment decided to make North America pay more and to defend them. They were not happy at all as years went by, so war broke out.
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    King louis needed more money. His money issues made him go to the estates. The third estate soon called it a "National Assembly" that was representative of the people. The king tried to stop it, but soon enough the people said they would not dispand until they had made a consitution for france.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    This event was a great reasl estate deal. They bought a big piece of land from france. They got it for alot of money, but it was one of the grestest buy.
  • cry of dolors

    cry of dolors
    he made himself open against spain rule to the church makeing the mexican independance war. he had an army of 600 men to fight.
  • green flag

    green flag
    republic force of 1,400 men were being controled by gen. While the royalist army of 1,830 men were controled by gen. The royalist made a ambush, but the republic force survived.
  • battle of medina

    battle of medina
    this battle effected spain, mexico, usa, england and france. at the end the battle of medina adopted "the green flag".
  • PANIC OF 1819

    PANIC OF 1819
    money was being forced by the bank of the usa. they wanted to have war. thus caused a great depression in the usa because they wanted to have money and food for their children
  • james long

    james long
    thomas jefforson said that the southern limit of Louisiana was the Rio Grande. the mexicans and them made schemes together. they had a expidition of 52 men. the mexicans ended up getting their independence from spain.
  • The "old three hundred" colony

    The "old three hundred" colony
    At this time 30,000 immigrants came to texas. They all purchased alot of land. Stephen s. was the one to help this historical event.
  • constitution of 1824

    constitution of 1824
    after the overthrow of the mexican empire, it made sure that cathloism is the offical and true religion.
  • mexican independance

    mexican independance
    in the early 1900 mexico, with a little in fluence from france and the usa began to revolt against spain. because mexico wanted freedom from spaim. but they shortly gained our country.