Aztecs to modern Mexico

  • Mexican Independence from Spain

    Mexican Independence from Spain
    Who: Spaniards and Mexicans, Hidalgo
    What: independence movement
    When:september 16, 1810
    Why: Spanish control of high offices and monopolies
    So What: Hidalgo gave independence to Mexico
  • Texas Independence from Mexico

    Texas Independence from Mexico
    Who: Texas, U.S, Mexico
    What: Texas declares independence
    Why:U.S immigration to a halt
    So what? Texas part of U.S
  • Mexican- American War

    Mexican- American War
    Who: Texas, U.S, Mexico
    What: Territory for New Mexico And California
    Where: New Mexico
    When: 1845-1847
    Why: expand
    So what? New Mexico part of U.S and Bajo California is part of Mexico
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Who: U.S and Mexico
    What: Mexico give up half of its territory
    Where: Mexico and U.S
    Why:territory problems
    So what?Became our states. Bajo California part of Mexico. Half of Rio Grande is border between Mexico and U.S
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    Who: Pierce, James Gadsden
    What: Secure land
    Why:Fulfill railroad expansion
    So what? boundary between U.S and Mexico