Aztecs to Modern Mexico

  • Mexico ganins independence from Spain

    Mexico ganins independence from Spain
    Who: The poeple of New Spain
    What: They disliked how their people were being controlled politically so they decided to rebel.
    Why: They wanted to gain their independence
    So what: Mexico gained its independence and was no longer "New Spain"
  • Texas gains its independence from Mexico

    Texas gains its independence from Mexico
    Who: General Antonio Lopez and the Mexican president
    What: Began a war between the Mexican government & Texas settlers.
    Where: Cpahuila and Texas
    So What: There were many lives lost because they did not follow the agreement.
  • The Mexican - American War

    The Mexican - American War
    Who: The U.S and Mexico
    What: The U.S purchased Texas among other states to become part of the U.S but Mexico was still claiming Texas so he declared war.
    Where: Just above Rio Grande
    Why: Mexico never wanted Texas but Polk wanted to extend Mexico
    So What:
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Who: Mexican , Americans
    What: Mexico gives up about half of their territory
    Where: Mexico and U.S seeded land.
    Why: To end the Mexican/American war.
    So What: This caused problems between the two countires while at the same time resolvving others.
  • Gadsen Purchase

    Gadsen Purchase
    Who: President Franklin Pierce, James Gadsen
    What: President Pierce wanted to purchase extra land so that he could expand railroads.
    Where: Rio Grande, Gila River
    Why: He wanted to secure land so he could expan railroads in the West.
    So What: Both countries were satisfied with the set boundaries.