
Austrian History Timeline

  • War of Spanish Sucsession begins

    War of Spanish Sucsession begins
    Between Austria and France the War of Spansih Sucsession began. This is significant because Austria got into a war with another country.
  • War of Spanish Sucsession ends

    War of Spanish Sucsession ends
    The War of Spanish Sucsession end when Austria wins Belgium and Spain's land in Italy. This was significant to Austria's history because they won the war and got new land.
  • World War 1 begins

    World War 1 begins
    World War 1 begins after the Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assasinated. Later Austria joins the Allied Nations Side. This was important to Austria's history becuase the heir to the throne was assasinated and the first world war started up.
  • World War I ends

    World War I ends
    November 3rd marks the end of World War I. This is significant to Austria's history because all the firghting had finally stopped all around the world.
  • Hapsburg is overthrown

    Hapsburg is overthrown
    November 12th, 1918, the last Hapsburg Emporer was overthrown, therefor making Austria a republic. This was significant to Austria because they were no longer ruled by one person and becuase they became a republic.
  • Germany takes over

    Germany takes over
    Germany's forces under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, took Austrian lands and declared it's union with Germany. This was significanct to Austria because they were taken over by one of the biggest dictators in history.
  • World War II

    World War II
    In September, World War II begins. This was significant to Austria because this meaned they were still in control of Adolf Hitler when the second world war started up.
  • Austria gets broken up

    Austria gets broken up
    The Allied Side of World War II (America, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union) beat Germany. The significance for Austria is that it gets broken up between the four that beat Germany.
  • Powers end

    Powers end
    The four powers soon end their occupation of Austria. This was significant to Austria because
  • European Union

    European Union
    On January 1st Austria joins the European Union. This is significant becasuse they are no longer just a lone country they are now part of a Union.