Australian migration

By Aden :|
  • Japan

    A small number of Japanese people emigrated to Australia to work for money in the 1800s. Most of the small number of Japanese people were attracted to a pearling industry. They were workers for pearl catching and by the early 1900 there were almost 3 500 Japanese people.
  • South Asia

    South Asia
    In the mid 1800s, people found out that horses were not the best source of travel anymore. They found out camels were better because they could travel in hot,dry terrains and they can survive without water for a while. The first camels to come to Australia were in 1860 and between 1870 and 1890 about 2000 camels were used for transportation.
  • Germany

    In the early settlement of Germany, German people migrated to South Australia because of religious persecution. The king of Prussia, Frederick William III was going to unify some Lutheran pastors and Reformed churches so he could introduce new churches. Some Lutherans were against his idea and people who didn't worship Frederick William III were imprisoned. Some people tried escaping to South Australia and more than 500 people arrived at Port Adelaide in 1838.
  • Chinese

    Many Chinese people migrated to Australia to mine for gold in Ballarat Victoria around the 1850s. There were around 7000 Chinese people and they formed 30-100 men in a group to mine for gold. Surprisingly they were very good at finding gold and some British people didn't like it. Lots of Chinese people were discriminated against by British people and some British people stole Chinese people's gold.