Australian history By Tyler

  • James Cook discovers

    James Cook discovers
    James Cook first heads off to charter the coastline of New Zealand and mapped the whole coastline, making some minor errors. He then decided to sail west and chartered most of the southern-east coast of Australia, becoming the first recorded European to do so.
  • Time to move

    Time to move
    With the Industrial Revolution, people moved to cities, and since there weren't alot of jobs going around, that meant that people were turning to crime. And with the death penalty not doing alot of damage and over-flowing prisons, the british government decided to set up a colonisation party lead by captain Arthur Phillip.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    On the morning of 13th of May,1787, the 11 ships known as the "First Fleet" set sail for Australia form Portsmouth in England for the 20,000 kilometre journey that took 8 months. On board these ships were supplies, food, animals, marines, convicts, a judge, a doctor, family members and captain Arthur Phillip.
  • Arriving at Botany Bay

    Arriving at Botany Bay
    The 11 ships sail into Botany bay on this date, but unfortunately, the terrain of the place did not meet their expectations as it did not have good drinking water, the soil was sandy and the water was too shallow to dock their ships. But luckily, Port Jackson was a few kilometeres north, so they sailed to that port instead
  • Proclaiming the new colony

    Proclaiming the new colony
    The First Fleet sails to Port Jackson and Governor Phillip describes it as the finest harbour in the world, they name it Sydney Cove after Lord Sydney. They liked it here becaause the water was deep enough to anchor the ships and there was a good supply of fresh water. On this day the colony was officialy proclaimed
  • Arrival of the Second Fleet

    Arrival of the Second Fleet
    Some sign of relief for the british when the Second Fleet arrived. It had fresh supplies but sadly, more a quarter of the convicts died.
  • Third Fleet

    Third Fleet
    The first ship of the Third Fleet arrives at Sydney Cove
  • Governor phillip goes home

    Governor phillip goes home
    Due to poor health, governor Phiilip had to go back to England and he took with him kangaroos, dingoes, native plants and two aboriginal men to show to the king.
  • Vinegar Hill uprising

    Vinegar Hill uprising
    On this date, the rebelliion began. It was the convicts verses the authorities of Australia
  • Eureka Stockade

    Eureka Stockade
    The Eureka Stockade was a rebellion from the gold miners in victoria against the colonial authority of the United Kingdom. The reason why they rebelled is because they didn't want to pay a miner's fee for mining and not being able to vote or buy land.