Australian Federation

  • New south Wales becomse penal settlement

    New south WalesProclaimed a British penal settlement.
  • Period: to

    Australia Federation

  • laws and colonies

    -six British colonies
    - laws made by British parliament
  • Sir Henry Parks Suggested a feseral council

    Sir Henry Parks suggested a federal council to consider antters to join interest to the Astralasian colonies.
  • first meeting of coucil Represenyives

    first meeting of coucil in Hobart. Represenyives from western Australia, figi, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria attened. New south Wales refosed to join.
  • South Astralia is a member of federation

    In 1888 South Astralia become a member of frderation.
  • idea of federation

    • idea of federation was beginning to become more popular.
  • conention to discuss

    convention to discuss federation with premiers and repasent. from newzealand
  • Elect their government

    Each colony was now able to elect their own government
  • becoming a nation

    • people in the colonys wre starting to talk about joining together to become a nation instead of 6 little coloneyes
  • Another convertion

    Another convertion was held is sydney
    - Began work on Australia constion. and looked at those from Great britain, the United states, Canada and Switzerland.
  • pro-federation groups

    conference held for pro-federation grooups
    - redration constitution
    - allow Australia. to vote on whether they agree with the constitution
  • Sir Henry Parks died

    Sir Henry Parks died
  • Nation Austaralian converenatoin

    Nation Australian converention met to review const.
    - QLD did not spend representatives as they did not support federation
  • Referendum was held to vote on the coast

    Referendum was held to vote on the const. -QLDand weston Australia did not participate
    - new southwails dident appprove it.
  • the three colonoes

    revise constitution to mee tconcerns of the three colonies.
  • Astralian Fderation Srting

    Australi became a federation on january 1st 1901.
  • New parliament

    The first federal elecrtion for the new parliament wre hald on 29 and the 30 of march.
  • telegraphs linking colonies

    • Telegraphs linking colonies
    • Bgan celebration idea of being Australian in songs and dance
  • finished federation

    Astralia finished federation in 1890.