Australian Federation

  • Period: to

    Australian Federation

  • Queensland seperated

    Queensland seperated from new south wales
  • British laws

    Were 6 british colonies in australia. Main laws were made by the British parliment
  • Songs and Poems

    Songs and poems about Australian identities
  • Telegraph

    Telegraph linked the colonies. (easier to communicate)
  • Idea of Federation

    The idea of being australia began in songs and poems.
  • stonger than individial colonies

    People began to realise that for matters like defence, controlling immigration and economy, a nation would be stronger than individual colonies.
  • Convention

    Convention in Melbourne
  • Federation conference

    All the colonies, were represented at the federation conference in melbourne.
  • 300 speeches

    edmund barton made nearly 330 speeches in favor of federation.
  • Constitution was written

    Convention in Sydney. The Constitution started to be written. Representitives read the constitution
  • vote for federation

    The federation groups decided that the people of Australia should vote to decide if federation should take place.
  • Pro-Federation

    Conferance of pro-federation group. (pro- for federation).
  • Vote for Federation

    Australia was able to vote for Federation. (Men only were able to vote)
  • Queensland did not support

    the national Australasion met and each colony selected a represtentatives to attend but qeensland did not support Federation
  • another constitution

    A new Constitution was drafted by edmund barton,John Downer and Richard O'connor
  • Premiers met

    Premiers met to find ways of meeting the concerns of the tree colonies that didnt vote for federation
  • Australia became a Nation

    the ceromony to join the six colonies together was held in centennial park, Sydney
  • appointed prime minister

    Edmund Barton was appointed not elected prime minister
  • Flag design competition

    Commonwealth Government announced a Federal Flag design competition
  • Population in 1901

    The population was 3.788 million people
  • federation Postcard

    You can send a federation postcard with Flowers celebrating the new states
  • First federal election

    First federal election when edmund barton was apointed prime minister
  • Women Vote

    Women were given the right to vote in federal elections at the same time that right was taken away from aboriginals and non white people.
  • a capital idea

    After much arguing between Sydney and Melboune, a site for the nation capital of finally chosen
  • northen territory

    the northen territory was created, until then it had been part of south australia
  • federation game

    the latest craze a board game with added exitment of areoplane flight
  • Coat of Arms

    Australian coat of arms was adopted
  • The Capital

    the nation capital was named canberra at the ceremony where they layed the foundation rock
  • Australia entered world war 1

  • Aboriginal flag

    aboriginal flag was first flown
  • Commonwealth Parliment

    Commonwealth parliment sat inthe new parliment house in canberra