Australian history

australia history

By ClaG5B
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    arival of the first fleet with auther philip as the captain first going to botany bay then going to sydney cove. this brought the english people to australia bringing new inventions like buildings and ships.
  • second fleet

    second fleet
    the second fleet arrives with lots of suplies so no one is starving. unlike the first fleeet this fleet is organised by crew who tried to minamise all food and medical costs during the trip to increase the amount of supplies they bring. 278 convicts and crew died on the journey were as 48 died on the first fleet. this stopped the aborigionaols and english fighting over food.
  • second settelment

    second settelment
    a second major settelment is made in van deimens land / tasmania. this means that australia is no longer known as a convict country.
  • new south wales

    new south wales
    gouvenor lachlan macquarie arrives in new south wales to change british gouverment control. the new south wales corps is disbanned. lachlan macquarie makes the first proper police force. this makes new south wales a safe ad controled place
  • lachlan macquarie

    lachlan macquarie
    macquarie sends george evens to investigate a new land found behind the blue mountains. george reterns very impressed.
    "I cannot speak too mutch of the country. the increase of stock over some 100 years will not over run it..." he declared. this is the discovery of a new land.
  • aboriginals

    lachlan macquarie thinks that the aboriginals are behaving ungrateful and hostile. he organises a millatery drive to teach the aboriginals a lesson. the aboriginals will not be happy about lachlan macquarie any more.
  • the name "australia"

    the name "australia"
    macquarie reccomends that australia the laten term should be the name for his continent rather than new holland. australia is now the name used in every day speech. this is how australia got it's name.
  • equal rights

    equal rights
    william wentworth makes a newspaper which supports equal rights for people who were convicts and people straight from england. exconvicts won't still be treated like convicts
  • sqatting licence

    sqatting licence
    governor bourke of new south wales makes squatters licence fees to reduce the land taken up andto stop squatters killing abarigionals. this reduces the amount of squatters and protects the abaigionals.
  • transportation on hold

    transportation on hold
    transportation of convicts to tasmania is put on hold for two years because there are too many convicts. this shows the ennglish that tasmania is not just space for convicts. all new convicts will now be kept in jails.
  • eureka rebellion

    eureka rebellion
    gold miners from ballerat start a stockade to protest bad treatment by the goverment and they fly a flag of the sothern cross.
    "we swear by the southern cross to stand truely by each other to fight for our rights and liberties." they shout. the protest is considered as a bad rebellion but the men are not charged and they are now known as heros
  • bushrangers

    ben hall the bush ranger has done over 600 robberies. he gets shot and he dies. the death of ben leads to a new law that any body can kill a bush ranger on sight. this starts a viglent aproach to bushrangers.
  • new south wales school

    new south wales school
    the first abarigional children are allowed in new south wales schools with all the other children. abarigionals are now being included in normal life and they are not being considered as animals.
  • henry lawson

    henry lawson
    henry lawson writes a song called "song of the republic" which wants white people born in australia to chose between the natural land and the man made land. this makes people have to chose sides basically
  • the boer war

    the boer war
    the boer war begins in south africa and the colonies all send troops to fight for the british empire. the troops are all very good with their horse skills and their bushman skills. they are better than the brittish troops. this is one of the only times that the same country is better than itself.
  • websites

    australia history timelines
    google images