Asher Smith 3B

By kariso
  • fort sumter

    fort sumter
    The commander of the union was Robert Anderson and the commander of the south was P. G. T. Beauregard. In the morning of April 12, 1861, Confederates people around the harbor shoot at Fort Sumter. the total amount of forces engaged was 580. 80 for the union and 500 for the Confederates the south won that battle.
  • Period: to

    civil war

  • Period: to

    civil war

  • bull run I, VA

    bull run I, VA
    the south won this battle. the reason why the south won this battle was they were a lot more prepared. some people wanted to watch the battle so they had a pick-nick during the battle. the battle moved up the hill and and into the pick-nick.
  • Shiloh

    the north wins this battle. 1,754 Union solders died and 1,728 Confederate solders died. 2,885 union solders went missing or got captured verses 959 confederate solders going missing or captured. the unions commander was Ulysses S. Grant well the Confederates commander was Albert Sidney Johnston. the battle lasted two days
  • fredericks-burg

    the battle lasted 5 days. the south won the battle. the union's commander is Ambrose E. Burnside well the confederate commander is Robert E. Lee. the total amount of casualties are 18,500. 12,500 union casualties and 6,000 confederate casualties.
  • chancellors-ville

    the battle lasted 7 days. the Unions commander was Joseph Hooker well the Confederates commander was Robert E. Lee. the south won this battle. the Union had 5,938 missing solders well the Confederates only had 2,503 missing solders. the estimated casualties was about 30,764.