
Arkansas Antebellum

  • Arkansas becomes a territory

    Because it became a territory
  • First Steamboat on Arkansas River reached Little Rock

    It formed a new source of transportation to Little Rock
  • Quapaw Indians

    Quapaw Indians forced to cede lands south of the Arkansas River
  • The Cotton Gin

    It made cotton clean faster
  • Small Pox Outbreak

    Small pox epedimic reached Arkansas
  • Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act allowed the government to push the Indians out of their homelandsThis destroyed the the Indian settlements, which made it easier for white settlers to settle in Arkansas.
  • Women's Property Right's

    The territorial legislature attempted to protect woman's property rights
  • Arkansa becomes a state

    It finally is counted as a state
  • Bill was introduced that would have protected a wife's property after marriage.

    It effects the marriages
  • The Mexican-American War

    The War started in 1846 and ended in 1848.The end war ended with the United States winning. Our prize was the Mexican Cession.
  • California Gold Rush

    The residents in Arkansas went to California for the gold.
  • Harper's Ferry

    An attempt by John Brown to lead a march against slavery
  • Mouantain Meadows Masacre

    About 50 wagons went from Arkansas and Missouri to California. Angry Mormons killed all the people except for 17 children.
  • Civil War

    Arkansas participated in it.
  • Arkansas left the Union

    Arkansas seceded from the Union; admitted to Confederate States of America.