
Ariel's Light, Heidi Davis, Non-fiction, 162 pages

  • 34 pages

    34 pages
    In what I read today, Heidi talks about her first taste of alchohol. She talks about her moms bar. She talks about getting pregnant at 15. She talks about how ariel wrote a story based on her family of a drunk mom who kills herself. Running total- 1127
  • 26 pages

    26 pages
    IN whAt I read today, Heidi talk aboUt BEcoming drunk again And Her suicide attempts. Ariel Saved Her Life. RUNNING tOtal-1153
  • 58 Pages

    58 Pages
    IN WHAt I READ ToDAY, hEIDI TALKS aBOUT ARIEL AND HoW ShE DIed. sHe talKS aBOUT thE HeaLINg procesS THEy HaD to go tHROugh. ruNNing TotaL- 1211
  • 19 PAGES

    19 PAGES
    IN wHAT i REaD TodAy, sHE taLKs About How hEr HUsBAnd Has beEN dePRESSEd and doinG druG siNCe ARIELS deATh.running tOtAL- 1230
  • 24 pages

    24 pages
    In What I ReAD TODay, heIdI teLlS us aBOut how hER hUsbanD HeALed, SHe also toLd Us how sHe iS toDAy AnD HOw shE fEELS LIke GOD Is kEepINg ARiEL ClosE tO HER. runnIng ToTaL- 1296