Apush period 4  title

Apush Period 4

  • Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin
    A machine that producded cotton more efficenlty by using a machine to seperate the seeds from cotton balls
  • gabriel prosser slave rebellion

    gabriel prosser slave rebellion
    An literate slave named Gabriel planned a large slave rebilion in the Richmond area
  • Thomas Jefferson elected president

    Thomas Jefferson elected president
    Was elected to be the third president. He was the first Democratic Republican elected to President.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    It was a land deal made between France and United States, in which America bought land west of the Mississippi.
  • marbury v madison

    marbury v madison
    It established the power of Judicial review and granted the Judicial branch the power to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional.
  • Beginning of Lewis and Clark expedition

    Beginning of Lewis and Clark expedition
    A military expedition lead by Capetian Lewis and Lieutenant Clark to map out the Louisiana purchase.
  • embargo act

    embargo act
    An act that prohibited American ships from trading in foreign ports.
  • Chesapeake leopard affair

    Chesapeake leopard affair
    A naval battle between HMS Leopard and USS Chesapeake that ended with HMS Leopard winning.
  • james madison elected president

    james madison elected president
    James Madison becomes the sixth president of the United States.
  • Non-Intercourse act

    Non-Intercourse act
    This act lifted the embargos on American shipping expect those directed towards Britian.
  • beginning of manifest destiny

    beginning of manifest destiny
    when the ideology of America expanding westward and imperilist ideolgoy spread
  • Francis cabot Lowell smuggled memorized textile mill plans from Manchester, England

    Francis cabot Lowell smuggled memorized textile mill plans from Manchester, England
    When the War of 1812 began he headed to America with his family, along taking with him the plans to a new mill which he memerozied.
  • death of tecumseh

    death of tecumseh
    A Native Chief of Shawnee tribe, he advocated the Resistance of white rule and worked with Britain in the efforts to take Detroit. He died in battle.
  • the British burn Washington dc

    the British burn Washington dc
    Britain invading Washington DC and burning it. They did this in retaliation to the sacking of york in which american troops burned down Canada's parliamentary building.
  • Treaty of Ghent Ratified

    Treaty of Ghent Ratified
    A peace treaty between America and Great Britain that ended the War of 1812.
  • end of the war of 1812

    end of the war of 1812
    A war fought between United States and England. Caused by disputes over US maritime rights. Ended with the ratification of Treaty of Ghent
  • battle of new Orleans

    battle of new Orleans
    A battle between America and Great Britain. This battle happened after the Ghent signing, meaning that this battle was pointless.
  • era of good feelings began

    era of good feelings began
    A temporary lull in political and perosnal clashes.
  • Hartford convention

    Hartford convention
    A set of meetings in Hartford, Connecticut, in which the New England Federalist meet to discuss grievances that they had with the War of 1812.
  • Rush-Bagot treaty

    Rush-Bagot treaty
    An agreement to have limited naval influence on the great lakes. This was the starting point in peaceful border relations with Canada for U.S.
  • James Monroe elected president

    James Monroe elected president
    He was elected the fifth president of the United States. His election was highly beneficial in foreign affairs.
  • anglo american convention

    anglo american convention
    A convention that stated fisheries, boundaries, and slaves between America and Great Britain. These corresponded to the border between America and Canada.
  • adams onis treaty

    adams onis treaty
    A land deal made between America and Spain, in that America bought the peninsula of Floridian from Spain.
  • McCulloch vs Maryland

    McCulloch vs Maryland
    Supreme court ruled that Congress had the power to make a secondary bank and the state of maryland could not taxc it.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    An effort by Congress to defuse political rivilaires on wehter missouri will be a free or slave state.
  • panic of 1819

    panic of 1819
    Post war economic expansion ended; many banks failed and mortages foreclosed causing massive unemploymeny
  • dartmouth college vs woodward

    dartmouth college vs woodward
    A decision made by the supreme court on how to deal with applications of the contract clause to private compamiesns.
  • Charles b finney lead religious revivals in western new york

    Charles b finney lead religious revivals in western new york
    Responsible for religoius fever in western new york.
  • second great awakening began

    second great awakening began
    A protestant religoius revival that started in 1790 but reached max in 1820s
  • Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt

    Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt
    A slave revolt planned by a man names Denmark Vesey, in which he wanted the slaves to revolt and seize the forts of the city. His plan was discovered and he was apprehend.
  • Monroe doctrine

    Monroe doctrine
    A doctrine that stated the Old and New world, or East and West, shall not interfere with each other. One such statement was that if any Old world power interfered with a West nation, they will make America their enemy too.
  • robert owen founder of the new harmony ceremony

    robert owen founder of the new harmony ceremony
    Bought new harmony to establish a new community
  • gibbons vs ogden

    gibbons vs ogden
    A descion by the supreme court, that congress held the power to regulate navigation
  • john quincy adams elected president

    john quincy adams elected president
    The first election where the canadite won even though he did not have the popular vote.
  • Erie canal completed

    Erie canal completed
    A canal that runs through New York from Albany to the Erie lake.
  • lyman beecher delivered his six sermons on intemperance

    lyman beecher delivered his six sermons on intemperance
    Sermons on the nature and dangers of intemperance
  • tariff of abominations

    tariff of abominations
    A tariff desinded to help industries, but untimetly led to high cost of living.
  • Andrew Jackson elected president

    Andrew Jackson elected president
    Re match between John Quincy and Andrew Jackson.
  • catharine beecher published essays on the education of female teachers

    catharine beecher published essays on the education of female teachers
    Prompted women as natural teachers and also advocated on expansions of teacher trainings
  • Creation of the Whig party

    Creation of the Whig party
    Made to oppose Andrew Jackson and the Democrates.
  • joseph smith founding the church of jesus christ of the latter day saints

    joseph smith founding the church of jesus christ of the latter day saints
    Made mormon church
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    A deal between andrew jackson and southern natives for their removsal of fewderal territoy west in exchsnge for their lands.
  • worcester vs georgia

    worcester vs georgia
    A decision by supreme court which stated that non-natives must have a liscense to go onto native land
  • andrew jackson vetoed rechartering bank united states

    andrew jackson vetoed rechartering bank united states
    jackson vetoed the bill to re charter the second bank of the united states, due to it being incompatiable with justice.
  • Nullification crisis began

    Nullification crisis began
    A convention declaring the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and unforecable in the state of South CArolinia
  • Black hawk war

    Black hawk war
    A conflict between US and natives of Sauk tribe
  • treaty of new echota

    treaty of new echota
    Provided the legal basis for the trail of tears.
  • andrew jackson issued the specie circular

    andrew jackson issued the specie circular
    An excutive order issued by Andrew Jackson which stated payment for governemnt land muist be in gold or silver
  • Battle of the alamo

    Battle of the alamo
    A pivitoal event that lasted 13 days with texan defenders holding of against mexico army.
  • texas declares independence from mexico

    texas declares independence from mexico
    When texas delcares indepodnce from mexico and bvecomes an indepent state
  • Transcendental club first meeting

    Transcendental club first meeting
    Unitartian miniosters met in cambridge, mass to discuss formation of a new cxlub
  • first mcguffey’s readers published

    first mcguffey’s readers published
    Basic book for learning
  • martin van buren elected president

    martin van buren elected president
    One of the founding members of the Democratic Party
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    A recession that brought prices, wages, and profit to a low while unemployment rate rose.
  • horace mann elected secretary of the massachusetts board of education

    horace mann elected secretary of the massachusetts board of education
    Was the first appointed secrertary
  • ralph waldo emerson gave the divinity school address

    ralph waldo emerson gave the divinity school address
    A speech giving to a graduating class of Harvard
  • Trail of Tears began

    Trail of Tears began
    The remvoal of nativers into oklahoma
  • john humphrey noyes founder of the oneida community

    john humphrey noyes founder of the oneida community
    A radical religous philisopher and utopian socialist
  • webster ashburton treaty

    webster ashburton treaty
    A treaty signed to resolve boarder issues with Canada
  • james polk elected president

    james polk elected president
    Defeated Clay and became president.
  • treaty of wanghia with china

    treaty of wanghia with china
    A peace treaty between US and China
  • us annexation of texas

    us annexation of texas
    US president James K Polk oversaw the largest US expansion.
  • Bear flag revolt

    Bear flag revolt
    A small group of American settlers rebelled against the orginial leadership and made a break away state declaring independce'
  • start of mexican war

    start of mexican war
    A war between America and Mexico
  • gold rush began in california

    gold rush began in california
    A nation wide desire to aquire wealth from gold in california
  • treaty of guadalupe hidalgo

    treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
    A peace treaty between Mexico and US
  • henry david thoreau published civil disobedience

    henry david thoreau published civil disobedience
    A book of American transcendentalist ideolgies about the disgust of slavery and mexico war
  • Commodore Matthew perry entered tokyo harbor opening japan to the US

    Commodore Matthew perry entered tokyo harbor opening japan to the US
    Commodore Mathew Perry led his four ship into the harbor of tokyo bay opening japan to US trade
  • Kanagawa treaty

    Kanagawa treaty
    The first treaty between the US and the Tokugawa shogunate signed under threat of force.
  • gadsden purchase

    gadsden purchase
    An expansion of southern arizona and southernwest New mexico