APUSH Imperialism

  • Purchase of Alaska

    WIlliam Seward, Secretary of State, jumped to take up the Russian offer of purchasing Alaska for $7.2 million, ensuring the erase of Russian presense in North America and American control of the Pacific northern rim.
  • Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty with US

    Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty with US
    This free-trade guarentee gave the US access to the riches of sugar and the Hawaiians refuge under the privledges of the US.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power Upon History

    Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
    This book explaines the belief that naval power is the best way to becoming a succesful world power, thus jump starting the naval race of the imperial age.
  • Mckinley Tariff

    Mckinley Tariff
    Not only did this tariff raise the price on the import of sugar, it allowed the US to bring it back and sell it for untaxed, lower prices. This resulted in depression and inflation throughout the Hawaiian islands.
  • U.S.S. Maine Explosion

    U.S.S. Maine Explosion
    The mysterious destruction of this US Naval ship in Havana Harbor is the main cause for American declaration of war on both the Cubans and the Philippines.
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    A resolution of war, stating that America's intensions of Cuba after the war were purely passive and that we would remove our troops once the war ended.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    After lasting a mere 113 days, this war lead to a huge affirmation of America's world power presence and other long lasting changes internationally.
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    George Dewey leds a US Navl Squadron to defeat the Spanish fleet, in which there is only 7 Amercians wounded.
  • Battle of Santiago de Cuba

    Battle of Santiago de Cuba
    US General Shafter leads the "Rough Riders" to defeat the ships of the escaping Spanish Caribbean fleet and cause the war to reach it's end.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    Hawaii became an important miltary and naval "mid-point" between the US and the Spanish Phillipines, and temporarily knocked out Japan as a competitior.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Spain hands over the claims to Guam, Cuba, and Puerto Rico after it's defeat; focusing on domestic issues, while America emerges into it's new title as a world power.
  • "Little Brown Brothers" Flipino Rebellion

    "Little Brown Brothers" Flipino Rebellion
    This resistance to annexation leads President McKinley into creating the Philippine Commisson and causes their eventual Independance.
  • Philippine-American War

    A conventional war at first, but eventually Aguinaldo and his men begin to use guerrilla tactics. Unfortunately, his already crippled men stood no chance against the advances of the US military.
  • China's "Open Door Policy"

    China's "Open Door Policy"
    After being divided into the sphere's of influence, China declares this policy as a way to keep equal trading privledges among all current and willing participants.
  • Boxers' Rebellion

    Boxers' Rebellion
    A group of poor and patriot chinese men revolted against the foreigners in Bejing, blaming them for their terrible standards of living.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    This was a military involvement bill, stating that seven conditions would be met for the withdrawl of all US troops from now independent Cuba
  • Policy of Attraction

    President Tafts atempt to win over the Filipinos, promising them building of schools, governmental involvement, and lowered US trade barriers This document led to the eventual Independence of the Philippines in 1946
  • The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    This treaty gave the US permission to build a canal and manage it, erecting the previous British ban by the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    To insure no violation of the Monroe Doctrine or European presence in American territoy, this document insured America was the only one would could interfere in the economic and financial affairs in Latin America.
  • Roosevelt's Treaty of Portsmouth

    Roosevelt's Treaty of Portsmouth
    This peace treaty ended the Russo-Japanese War, allowing both countries to gain something and eventually helping Roosevelt win his Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.
  • Root-Takahira Agreement

    Root-Takahira Agreement
    The US and Japan averted war by vowing to respect each other Pacific possessions and uphold the Open Door Policy in China.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Instution of President Taft to Wall Street Bankers, urging to invest abroad in order to gain economic control in the Far East, Caribbean, and Central America.
  • “Pancho” Villa

    “Pancho” Villa
    One of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution, who joined Francisco Madero to eradicate dictator Porfirio Díaz from the Mexican regime.
  • Mexican Revolution

    After decades of being used by the US for their oil supply and mistreated, the poor Mexicans rebelled against the Americans; causing a massive immigration to Southwest America and countless lives lost by their violetn attacks
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Ferdinand was the air to the Austro-Hungarian throne, thus his murder cause a change reaction of countries declaring war and beginning World War One.
  • US Declaration of Neutrality

    At the start of World War I, President Wilson decalres the US neutral, in hopes to remain impartial and not destroy the military and economic power they've worked so hard for. This act leads the German immigrants to retailiate and use unrestricted submarine warfare, sinking many US ships like the Lusitania.
  • Panama Canal

    Over 56,000 men contributed to building the enormous canal, allowing more efficent global trade routes and said to be one of the seven wonders of the world.
  • Battle of Verdun

    This bloody battle categorized what the next 3 years of World War I would look like. Over 1 million casualties would be lost, long lasting battles would be fought on the Western Front and trench warfare would become popular.
  • Battle of Jutland

    This is the largest naval engagement of the entire war, in which Brirtish and US ships come together to drive home the demolished German fleet.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    US intercepts a German proposal to the Mexican leaders, hoping to form a secret alliance with one another to take down the US. This event is the tipping point for WIlson to formally declare war and join the fight against the world.
  • Russian Revolution (Armistice)

    Russia's ill-equiped armies stood no chance in the war and they suffered catostrophic loss. Due to their weakened army and economy, Russian authorites isued an armistice with the Central Powers and jumped head first into their own domestic revolution.
  • Second Battle of Marne

    French commander-in-chief, Philippe Petain, leads the US and British to push back the German offensive and turns the tides toward the Allies.
  • Red Scare

    Throughout the cold war between the Soviet Union and America, tensions rose over communists (reds) threats, leading to federal employee background checks and increased action in the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).