AP Period 2 Timeline

  • 1713 BCE

    Origin of Judaism

    Abraham makes the first covenant with God and Judaism gains it's foundation.
  • 1600 BCE

    Taoism developes

    Early Taoist ideologies (regarding nature and balance with the universe) slowly begin spreading throughout Shang China.
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Aryans migrate to northern India

    Aryans coming from the northwest, migrated into India with oral traditions, known as Vedas.
  • 1440 BCE

    Exodus from Egypt

    The Jews leave Egyptian slavery to return to their promised land. They were lead by Moses.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 600 BCE

    Many early Hindu texts are composed

    The Upanishads, Aranyakas, and Brahmanas were all written in this time period, carving the path towards modern customs, including the caste system.
  • 960 BCE

    Solomon's Temple completed

    King Soloman completes the first Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
  • 931 BCE

    Jerusalem Kingdoms split

    Following King Solomon's death, Jersusalem splits into two kingdoms-- the Kingdom of Isreal and the Kingdom of Judah
  • 800 BCE

    Caste system emerges

    As Vedic traditions mixed with native Indian culture, the Caste system was developed.
  • 700 BCE

    Foundation of Hinduism

    Indian scholars codify Aryan beliefs, providing a basis for Hinduism.
  • 604 BCE

    Lao Tzu born

    Lao Tzu, or Laozi, is born. He will go on to be the founder of Taoism, and write the Tao-Te-Ching, the Taoist text containing Laozi's teachings.
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonian Exile

    First Babylonian exile of the Jews, who became captive in Babylonia.
  • 563 BCE

    Siddartha Gautama Born

    A prince is born into an aristocratic, royal family. He would later become the Enlightened one and gain the title of Buddha. He established many core parts of Buddhist practice, including the Middle Path.
  • 551 BCE

    Confucius is born

    The philosopher responsible for the teachings of Confucianism was born.
  • 516 BCE

    Second Jewish temple

    After their return and they first Temple was destroyed by Babylonians, the Jews finsished a second temple in Jerusalem.
  • 486 BCE

    First Buddhist Council established

    THe first Buddhist Council comes together and in time produces the first Buddhist Canon.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 140 BCE

    The Analects are compiled

    The philosophic teachings of Confucius were compiled after his death by his followers, though it is uncertain when exactly. Many of it is believed to be compacted throughout a few generations.
  • 350 BCE

    Zhuangzi continues philosophy

    Influential philosopher Zhuangzi studied the work of Lao Tzo and continued to expand it. He went on the provide the basis of early Taoist beliefs.
  • 330 BCE

    Spread of Confucianism

    A disciple of Confucius, Mencius, travels throughout China to expand the influence of Confucius.
  • 320 BCE

    Mauryan empire established

    During the Mauryan reign, Hindu ministers were able to influence and obtain governemtal positions, yet the leader, Asoka, still embraced Buddhism.
  • 300 BCE

    Temple worship

    The first evidence of Hindu worship in temples dates back the the 4th century BCE.
  • 269 BCE

    Reign of King Asoka begins

    King Ashoka of the Mauryan Dynasty in India begins his reign, and heavily endorses Buddhism.
  • 250 BCE

    Buddhism arrives in Middle East

    Buddhist influence reaches Persia via trade.
  • 167 BCE

    Birth of Hanukkah

    The Jewish holiday, Hanukkah is created after a revolt victory against Roman Hellenists.
  • 100 BCE

    Rise of Mahayana Buddhism

    A particular sect of Buddhist practice sees a rise in popularity as the religion continues to develope. Today it remaines the most practiced form of the religion.
  • 100 BCE

    Han emperor converts to Confucianism

    Han Emporer Wu converts from Legalism to OCnfucianism, beginning an increase in Confucianism and its relationship with government and culture.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus Christ born

    Influential religious preacher Jesus Christ is born. He will later become the starting point of Christianity
  • 30

    Jesus crucified

    The death of Jesus was the most influential moment in religious history. Christianity would as a result spread massively and eventually become the most practiced religion.
  • 30

    First Pope

    The Apostle of Jesus, or St. Peter, is crowned as the first Pope.
  • 67

    Paul martyred

    Paul the Apostle, a follower of Jesus is killed, leading to further influence of Christianity.
  • 100

    Buddhism spreads to China

    Buddhist beleifs cross into China during the Han Dynasty.
  • 142

    Taoism develops into an organized religion

    The Way of the Masters sect was founded by Zang Daoling, which was the first organized practice of Taoism, complete with complex rituals and devotions. The highest divine was Lao Tzu himself according to the sect.
  • 175

    Analects inscribed

    The Analects, which contained the teachings of Confucius were inscribed in the Imperial Academy.
  • 200

    Buddhism spreads throughout Central Asia

    Not too long after China gains Buddhist population, the religion begins to spread throughout Central Asia.
  • 200

    Earliest Bible translations

    Bible is beginning to spread and be translated into different languages.
  • 215

    Taoism receives national attention

    As leader Cao Cao rises to power, he legitimasizes his rule by nationally recognizing a school of Taoists. This likely led to greater spread of the belief system of the Dao.
  • 220

    Han Dynasty ends

    The collapse of the Han Dynasty in China results in a loss of influence of Confucianism.
  • 220

    Taoism flourishes

    As the Han Dynasty collapsed Confucianism ides down and Taoism is given room to come out on top for a while.
  • 301

    Christianity becomes a state religion

    Due to it's spread, Armenia becomes the world's first country to officially adopt Christianity as the state religion.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Christianity becomes legal in Roman empire
  • 316

    Way of the Masters reemerges

    The famous sect of Taoism returns to the spotlight after the Six Dynasties period, splitting into two different sects, northern and southern. Impacts culture and politics.
  • 320

    Hinduism gains influence

    As the Mauryan Empire comes to a close and the Gupta Empire is established, Hinduism is given room to spread during an era of peace.
  • 372

    Confucian academies built

    Major educational locations were erected to expand the Confucian philosophies.