American Suffrage Movement

  • World Anti-Slavery Convention

    World Anti-Slavery Convention
    This convention was held in London in the 1840. Two female abolishinists attended the event, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Even though they attended they were stopped from participating the meeting. This one thing made the two abolishinists return to america
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    The first women's convention hosted in Seneca Falls, New York. Three hundred people. Many of the attendees were well heard of such as Charlotte Woodward and Frederick Douglas. This meeting ended being the cause of more meeting around New York
  • 11th Women's Convention

    11th Women's Convention
    Since the Civil war happened over 10 convention happened this happens to be the 11th.Lucretia Mott the abolitionist happen tomerger between suffrageists and the anti-slavery created a new group called the American Equal Rights Association
  • 14th Amendment passed!

    14th Amendment passed!
    Gives former slaves the right to vote,however not females and this made Anthony and Stanton furious.
  • }National Womens Suffrage Association} Formed.

    }National Womens Suffrage Association} Formed.
    Allows only Female membership and advocates for all Women's Suffrage issues. Stone ends up forming the Amercan Women's Suffrage
  • Illegal Voting

    Illegal Voting
    In New York, Susan B. Anthony is arrested for illegal voting and not paying for the fare of public transportation as she was "rebelling under the goverements expenses"
  • Gained Right..... Only in Washington

    Women in Washington District obtain voting rights. They continue to work for rights all around the USA
  • A Valiant March!

    A Valiant March!
    Alice Paul organizes 8,000 for a march in Washington to celebrate newly gained rights in washington territory.
  • Support For cause

    Support For cause
    President Wilson delivers a statement granting women's suffrage.After the voting begins they fail to win because they failed to get required 2/3 voting requirements
  • Women gain rights!

    Women gain rights!
    Despite all the countering of the Anti-Suffragists, Women finally after all the hard work of many people obtain Full Rights to voiting.