American Indians equality timeline

  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    After supreme court case Plessy vs Ferguson The Jim Crow laws were enfourced stating that all American citizens must have facilities provided for them. Because they could be seperate facilities this only made Native Americans feel like second class citizens to the white people.
  • Right to Vote

    American Indians were first given citizenship rights including the right to vote in all American elections.
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    The Indian Reorganization Act was passed to help protect Indians' land, provide funding for economic growth with in the Native community, and help establish tribal governments.
  • Education Oppertunities

    Between 1943 and 1944 nine public schools were built for the Native American children, they called these schools "special schools."
  • National Organization

    The first Nation wide organization made up of strictly Native Americans called the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI).
  • NIYC

    The NIYC or National Indian Youth Council is a Organization of Indian youth ment to encourage pride in the Indian youth. It is also the second oldest national Indian organization.
  • Indian Education Act

    In 1972 the Indian Education Act was passed by congress and signed by president Nixon. This provided funding for tribal education, the hiring of proper teachers and staff, and the teaching of relavent material.
  • Governmental Disruption

    The supreme court allowed a Forest Service Road to be built strait through the middle of Indian burial grounds; dozens of tribes thought of these grounds as sacred.
  • Religious Freedom Act

    In October of 94 congress passed, and President Clinton signed the Religious Freedom Act. This bill allowed Indians to use peyote in religious cerimonies.
  • Unfair Indian Schooling

    In 1997 The Department of Justice sued a school district in Utah for not having a school closer than 90 miles away from the small Indian community of Navajo Mountian. Children whom wanted to attend school had to go to boading schools or live with relatives and friends.